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~chapter three~


I look down at my phone to double check if I have the right address, yep 24 Roundless street. I ring the door bell and knock three times.

A topless model opens the door, he's got features like Karter but with lighter eyes. "Does a Karter happen to live her by any chance?" I ask trying to ignore his sculptured abs.

"Is he expecting you?" His voice is deep but not husky.

"Yeah" I clear my throat. The model steps aside letting me in "thanks" I take a few steps down the aisle then look back for some guidance.

"Straight ahead" he smiles and I walk into a spacious living room. I see Karter eating and I don't think he even acknowledges that I'm in the room until I clear my throat.

I turn to see if the model is still there and he isn't, he probably wondered off or something. I walk up to the counter where Karter is and take my backpack off.

"Nice place" I say.

"Thanks" he stands up putting his plate in the sink "we can get started here" he leaves the room. I start taking out a note book and my pencil case.

He comes back in with a laptop, I watch him open his laptop and take a seat. I know I can be quite but he's just not talkative or he doesn't like me for some reason.

"We can split the work in half" I suggest "I can look in the books I brought and you can look things up"

"Sure" he sits back down and types probably looking things up. I watch his stunning face light up by the screen lighting, can he at least hate me but be decent looking and not like gorgeous?

His eyes look up at me effortlessly and I give him a small smile to try play it off, I take out my phone and put one ear plug in listening to some music.

I take out the books I got from the library and start reading. The work that was assigned was that we create a fictional character that's surrounded by vampires and it's up to us to decide whether it had a good or bad effect on the character.

"Who um- Who was the guy who answered the door for me?" I ask him.

"My brother" he says not looking up, I give up talking to him for a while and go back to taking notes and reading.

Soon 6 o'clock comes around and I need to get going. "I need to go" I tell Karter and he finally looks up at me "my dads expecting me" I start to pack my things.

"Do you need a ride home?" He asks.

"No, I can walk" I smile zipping my bag "but thanks"

"I can walk you home" he stands.

"No really it's okay" I protest.

"I insist" he moves and I follow him outside. It's still daylight since summers coming around soon, I wait for him to lock his house and then we start walking.

I put both earplugs on but put my music to the lowest just in case he talks which I highly doubt. As we walk I look over at him occasionally watching how the soft wind moves his hair.

For some reason his presence makes me feel safe, safety isn't something you need in a neighbourhood where nothing happens.

"You don't say much" he says catching me off guard.

"There's not much to say," I look up at him "and when I do say something it kinda feels like a one sided conversation"

My music plays softly covering the silence in my ears. "I don't think you like me" I say and look up to see a small smile on his face.

"What makes you think that?" He asks looking down at me.

"It's the fact that when I walk into a room you barely acknowledge me almost like I make you uncomfortable or something" I say and we fall silent.

"What if I told you you're a temptation?" He breaks the silence.

"Guys don't look at me like that"

"Everyone looks at you like that"

"What am I tempting you to do?" I ask now a little curious.

"It's what your tempting me not to do" he says looking ahead. We keep walking in silence until we reach my garden gates. I open them and he welcomes himself walking me to my door.

"Thank you" I look into his eyes trying to read him but get nothing, he just looks down at me then takes a step back.

"See you tomorrow" he says then starts leaving, I walk in my house and close the door behind me.

"Dad I'm home!" I shout locking the door then move to my window to see him walking off.

"6:25 on the dot. Impressive" he says coming down the stairs. "Who's the boy?"

"He's my partner, what we eating?" I change the subject.

I sit at the table and eat with my dad making little to no conversation, I finish my plate then wash the dishes.

I take a hot shower then get started on some homework, I open up my phone and play my homework playlist then start working.

Mid way through finishing my phone rings startling me as I pick up "Hello?"

"Girl! Tell me everything" Kate shrieks "oh wait let's add Ali"

"Not much hap-"

"Hey" Aliya picks up interrupting me.

"Mel's about to spill details of her date with Karter" Kate says trying to say Karter's name in a British accent.

"There's no details" I tell them "nothing happened, he didn't say a word to me"

"Well damn" I hear Aliya say.

"What did you wear?" Kate demands.

"I assure you it wasn't my outfit that was the problem"

"Did you wear joggers?" Kate asks completely shutting me up.

"Definitely the outfit" Ali says.

"No wonder he didn't say word to you" Kate says then I hear her sigh.

"Alright that's enough guys" I tell them "I need to go bed, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight" Kate says.

"Night" Ali says.

"Night" I hang up then turn getting some shut eye.

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