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~chapter fifty~


I look up at Karter who slowly starts to loosen his grip around my wrists, my hands drop now throbbing form the pain of hitting myself on the ground repeatedly.

Karter stands and extends a hand and I take it and pull him into a hug, I warp my arms around his neck and I feel his arms around my waist. I feel much safer now I'm in his arms.

"Thank you." I say over his shoulder and I feel him pull me closer. I've notice that his love language might be physical touch but it's almost like he's holding back for some reason.

I pull away slightly and look deep into his eyes "Am I holding you back?" I ask him and I watch his expressions as he realizes I was kinda listening in.

"You keep me sane, balanced if you will." He reply's.

"So I have nothing to worry about?"


"Okay." I nod then tip toe to reach his lips and plant a soft kiss on his pink lips, his lips move with mine as we kiss each other passionately.

He pulls away slowly and my eyes open "We're gonna have to do something really dangerous." He tells me and I look at him kinda confused "We have to jump out."

"A moving train?! That's kinda stupid."

"We have transport waiting for us not far gone here."

"Um okay," I follow him out "are we taking Benedict with us?"

"Unfortunately." He says going back to our seats and getting my duffel bag and putting it around him, he scans the room and nods someone over and I assume it's Benedict.

"We going somewhere?" She asks.

"Our stops here." Karter walks to the back of the train opening and emergency door.

"But the trains still moving." She says alarmed.

"Jump. Or don't." Karter takes my hand. The fresh air rushes past us like I've never felt it before, he looks over at me and I share my concerned look "Now!" He shouts and I feel him jump off dragging me with him.

My insides float with me until as my legs kick in the air, I feel Karter pull me in quite violently just before we hit the ground. I tuck my head in his chest and I feel his arms over my head protecting it.

When we hit the ground and start rolling over each other until we stop with Karter on top of me "You okay?" He asks and I open my eyes and nod. He gets up taking me with him and I watch him look around.

I look around for Benedict too "She didn't jump." I say as I slowly realize it too. "Some things never change." Karter wonders off.

"What do you mean by that?" I follow him.

"She hates jumping out of moving things and I don't trust her so we jumped."

"So you mean to tell me our stop isn't around?"

"No it is, I just need to get ride of her." He says and I stay close by following him. We keep walking for a while with Karter leading the way and me behind him trying to catch up.

"Who is she?" I finally ask him after having a self debate on whether or not to ask "You seem to know her but you also thought she was dead."

"Remember the girl that died changing for me? That's her."

"Oh." So she's just a walking ghost? But she obviously meant a lot to him and he meant a lot to her if she was willing enough to change for him right? Now how on earth am I going to compete with that?

"What are you thinking about?" He asks cutting me thoughts.

"H-how'd you know I was thinking?"

"Your giving off a strong emotion of..self doubt."

"It's nothing." I say and he turns giving me a look, I can see his eyes with the help of the moonlight. I look away trying to keep my eyes off of his.

"All is a sudden you can't talk to me?" He says his tone solid and when I don't reply he turns away form me and keeps walking. I keep up behind him as we cross train tracks and into a forest.

We keep walking and soon a city comes to view, Karter goes in the direction and I follow him. We end up stopping in front of a hotel and go up to the reception.

"Reservation for Cain." Karter says and the receptionist starts typing then he looks up at Karter.

"Room 204 sir, enjoy your stay." He hands Karter a card and Karter takes it. "Thank you." I say in Karter's place and the receptionist gives me a small smile. We go up it the elevator and Karter pushes the second floor button.

When the elevator rings open we step in, I feel Karter's gaze on me so I look up at him but can't handle the feeling of butterflies in my stomach so I look away.

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