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~chapter ten~


I wake up with my legs over him and in his arms. "Sorry" I get out his grip and sit next to him, he look flawless like he doesn't even need sleep. Idiot of course he doesn't need sleep I mentally slap myself on the forehead.

"It's okay" he says and I look up to expect brown eyes but meet blood red eyes looking down at me.

"Your eyes are red" I try hold back a smile.

"Yeah it happens" he clears his throat "my blood should be out your system by now so you can go home after school"

"Okay" I nod but can't look away form his eyes, even though they're red they still make me feel fuzzy and give my butterflies. "Um, school"

"Right" he nods and I watch him walk away. Oh please don't tell me I'm not the typical Bella in the story, trust me when I say I want to tremble in fear when he's around me but for some reason I don't.

I go pack my bag up then go back to the sofa. What the hell have I gotten myself into? This isn't good. Karter comes back with his school bag and his normal brown eyes. Contacts.

"Let's go" he nods me over and I follow him to his car, usually getting into peoples car that bite me isn't a good idea but I do it anyways.

I sit at the lunch table with Kate and Aliya, I put a piece of mango in my mouth as they give me 'are you gonna tell us?' Looks.

"Are you guys together?" Kate asks.

"No." I shake my head.

"Did you guys you know?" Aliya raises her eyebrow.

"No" I laugh "nothing happened, at least not like that"

"So what happened?" Kate asks clearly no longer able to keep herself clam.

"Well..." I start off by telling them about the woods and the way I put the flower in his hair and he caught me form falling.

"Bitch you are such a cliché" Aliya laughs.

"Anyways..." I continue and tell them about the after school study session, there's no way I tell them about the vampire part so I tell them that we moved form his kitchen counter to his couch and I must have knocked out.

"So you slept in his arms?" Kate smiles and I nod putting another mango in my mouth.

"Turns out it wasn't your outfit that was the problem" Ali says.

"Ha ha" I roll my eyes. I look past Kate and Ali and I'm able to see the football teams' table because from where I'm sitting. Karter's sitting with them but his ears are probably over here.

Isn't that a little weird?

"So you planning on you know" Kate urges "doing him?"

"I told you he's not a toy," I get nervous and look up at Karter by accident, he's already got his eyes on me swamping me with butterflies "anyways what's the deal with you and Cal?"

"Oh that? It's nothing, I just really need some good dick right now" Kate says sipping her drink.

"And you? I thought you hate the football team" I turn to Ali.

"No. I just hate Cal" she smiles "Liam's...Liam" he cheeks turn light pink.

Kate Let's out a gasp "She's blushing".

"Well well well" I shake me head with a smile and join Kate playfully hitting Aliya.

"Anyways," Ali exaggerates "we still on for Friday?"

"I change my mind on the nails part but I'm still down for the rest" I tell them.

"I'll convince you Friday's Kate says then goes back to chatting. When the bell rings we start to make our way to our lesson, I have music but since we're practically done with our music exams it's a free period.

I go so I don't get marked absent but ask to go to the library and the teacher lets me. I start roaming around looking for a new book to read, I put my stuff down on a desk since their getting a little heavy.

I look around going back and forth with romance and mystery. I decide I'll come back another time and get started on some finishing English papers.

I hear light whispers form a distance and assume it's some freshman kids so keep my head down and continue working. Someone welcomes themselves in the chair next to me.

I look up to see a curly hair Ross looking at me "Hi" I smile.

"Hey, you never came to the party" he says.

"Yeah- no- I um, I had a family thing"

"Right" he nods "I gotta go, I'll see you around"

"Yeah" I watch him get up and join some of his other friends that are not the football team.

When the bell rings I make my way to my last period, English. I walk in and sit by Karter but I don't feel the same, I feel like everything I feel for him now is starting to make sense.

I have a crush on him.

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