Come with me

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~chapter thirty seven~


The low vibration keeps going making me moan under my breath and then I get shock again "It hurts!" I tell Karter.

"How bad?" He asks.

"Seven..." is all I can get out as the pleasure of the vibration swirls around me and then another painful shock but this time it make my bottom half shake a little "seven out of ten."

"I think you can handle seven." I feel his push the ball a little higher and when the ball shocks me it feels like pussy walls are getting electrified. "Ow." I moan.

"Why'd you shush me?" He asks but I can't really answer as the electricity runs through my area.

"All this because I shushed you?" I ask and get shocked again but this time it's like the shock waves have gone up a level "eight." I sigh a moan then hang my head as it vibrates "Ow!" The shock surprise me.


"I-I don't know"

"Yes you do."

"Ow!" I get shocked again "because I was irritated" I tell him and he grabs my neck tilting my head up.

"I irritate you?"

"No." I moan then grip onto the cuffs as my legs get week, I get shocked again this time the level going up and this time I let out a sound mixed with both pleasure and pain "nine."

He picks my legs up warping them around his waist, if we were naked he would have totally entered me by now, that's how close our areas are right now. I get shocked again "Ahh!" I let out a scream "it hurts Karter"

"No it doesn't." I feel him put his hands on my hips as he pulls away a little then he thrusts our bodies together making the shock pain just about bearable "Count." He commands then he shoves our bodies together again.

"Two..." I moan as he keeps repeatedly pushing our two bodies together "...Nine...Ten.." he lets my hips go then I feel him pull the ball down with a string that was probably attached to it.

"Oh my gosh." I let out a breath of relief, Karter starts to unlock the cuffs and my arms drop lading around his neck. He puts me down and removes the rest of the cuffs and puts them back.

"I'll be in my car, you have three minutes." He says then I watch him leave. When he's out of sight i smile to myself little then chuckle standing up.

"Woah." My feet shake twitching as I stand. I stand to paste around until the twitching clams down and then I gather myself and leave the room making my way outside.

I put my shoes on then leave and get into Karter's car, he gives me a side glance then starts his engine. When we come to a red stoplight my left leg twitches getting Karter's attention.

He looks up at me then back down at me leg. I'm not shaking intentionally but it's almost like I can feel a wave of the shocks and it makes my leg twitch.

He turns back to the road and I see a little smirk on his face.

He pulls up in the school parking lot and I look over at him a little confused, he gets out and I do the same and following him towards the school football pitch. He jumps over the fence with no effort.

It takes a little more out of me to get over the fence but I do, I watch him go into a slow jog towards the booth and he grabs a football. "Football?"

"I've never seen you play." He smiles moving closer to me.

"That's probably because I don't know how to." I laugh.

"Let me teach you..." he moves to me and shows me how to hold the ball properly so i can throw it.

After Karter's tackled me to the ground numerous times I finally get a lead and run as fast as I can to make a touchdown but Karter tackles me taking us both down.

I bust out into laughter not surprised I'm back here "I was so damn close." I sit up looking over at Karter with a bright smile. I run my finger through my hair getting the green grass out.

Karter sits up on his elbows as I spin the ball in my hands, I look up to see the sun setting and it making the sky go a beautiful shade of orange. I glance over at Karter to see he's already looking.

"What?" I look away all nervous.

"You just so...beautiful." He says.

"Stop" I push him playfully making his chuckle, I look away because of the effect he has on me.

"You remind me of my mother." He says getting my attention.

" that a good or a bad thing?" I say mixed with confusion and surprise form his comment.

"Good...kind of. She was a lot to handle."

"Am I a lot to handle?"

"I just know that I shouldn't lie to you...before you stab me." He chuckles softly and I can't hold my smile back any longer "We have to go into hiding, get away for a while."

"Wait what? Who's we?" I fully turn to him now concerned "Where are you going?"

"Presus is a dangerous man and he's closer then we think. Before he gets the chance to catch us we need to dip and fast." He looks deep into my eyes "Come with me."

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