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~chapter forty eight~


I pour Karter's coffee down the sink then lock myself in the small bathroom. I look at myself in the full size mirror then kick the corner making it smash. I pick up a mirror piece.

I take the bandages out placing them on the counter next to my cup of coffee "Okay," I whisper to myself then slice my left hand open "ahh shit." I put my hand over the empty cup filling it up with my blood.

I watch my blood run down my hand quickly filling the cup, when it gets to just over half way I run my hand under some water and groan in pain. I dry the wound then bandage it up.

I throw the box away and clean the sink I used them put the coffee lid on and walk out. I find Karter at the cashier and proceed to walk up to him. "Here." I hand him the cup with my blood.

He takes the cup taking a long sip "That's not coffee."

"No it isn't." I take a long sip form my actual coffee, I watch him down the blood like he's drinking water "I'll get a large next time."

He looks over to me and shakes his head softly with a smile "Come on." He walks away and I follow him. We make it to our gate and in no time our train comes around.

"How long is this?" I follow him onto the train.

"About five hours." He sits down and sit opposite him. He puts my duffel bag by his feet and then crosses his arms. I take out my bag of skittles and start eating them. "You always eat sweet things."

"I get panic attacks when my blood sugars low. Haven't had one in over a year but that doesn't mean I won't." I put a blue one in my mouth.

"You have panic attacks?"

"Ever since my moms death."

"How bad do they get?"

"I get really aggressive." I put a yellow one in my mouth. "I fractured my wrist just banging on my steering wheel once, but this was when she recently passed away." I look out the window watching the trees blur together.

"Are you okay?" I hear him ask and I look up at him and nod. I stare deep into his eyes and feel butterflies flutter inside my stomach making me feel fuzzy.

"What did you mean by you let your emotions clout your judgement?" I ask leaning in on the table, I watch a smile play on his lips and then he licks them.

"Does it matter?" He leans in too putting his elbows on the small table.

"Why wouldn't it?"

"I have a feeling that if I tell you, I won't get the response I'm looking for. At least not yet."

"I guess you'll never know until you tell me." I run my wounded hand over the left side of his gorgeous face, then when I reach his chin I let my hand drop.

"There's just something about you that I-I don't know. I came here to get a low cover as a high school student and then I met you, a bright flame that can lighten a dark soul like mine." He runs his thumb across my lips.

"A quiet girl that has a lot to say, an obedient girl that disobeys, a social introvert." His thumb runs down my cheeks and I close my eyes enjoy his touch "I think about you, even when I don't want too. A human who made a vampire feel alive."

"What you trying to say?" I smile opening my eyes.

"Three words."

"Are those three words where we're going?" I make him chuckle, he kisses my forehead the tilts my head up making our lips collide. I lean in wanting to taste more of his lips.

"Karter?" I sweet female voice says and he pulls away and we both look up at the young adult around my age or a year older then me. She has beautiful brown skin like mine but she's a little darker then me, her hair is straight and she honestly a pretty face.

She's got a diamond face with beautiful brown emerald shaped eyes, full lips and perfectly arched eyebrows.

"Benedict?" Karter's tone indicates he knows her "I thought you were dead."

"I was just changing, but you guys buried me alive."

"Who changes for a whole week? We thought you were dead."

"So you buried me?" I can tell by her tone she's frustrated.

"That's what you do when you think someone dead." By Karter's tone I can tell he's clearly getting irritated "What do you want?"

"Ugh how rude, not the Karter I remember." She rolls her eyes "I've been looking for you, I'm on the run and word says so is your brother. So I took a smart guess and figured you would run with him." She has a bitchy voice slow and steady.

"Turns out I'm right but this I didn't see coming." She looks over at our hands laced together "Karter coming back for his human lover."

"Your not going anywhere with us."

"Oh you need me."

"No I don't."

"Well me being me got close and snugly to Presus and learned a few of his tricks. He trusted me for some reason," she giggles "what can I say vampire men and their feelings."

Karter looks out the window slowly letting go of my hand.

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