The Chamber

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"What is going on?" Bernard askedwhat Thomas was thinking. Students and teachers alike were inscrambles. Racing off like dragons were nipping at theirheels.

"There is one way to find out." Lars reached outand caught one of the older students by the arm. By his robe colours,he looked like he was from Lars's house- Slytherin. "What is goingon Jones?"

"Lars!" He turned and his face turned fromone of anger to recognition. "Haven't you heard?"

"Wehave been in a dark corner — studying." Lars shook his head.Thomas inched a little closer, curious what Jones was going tosay.

"A whole classroom of students passed out." Jonessnapped his tanned fingers. "Gone, like the girls in theinfirmary."

"Like Pipa?" Thomas felt his knees shake.Were their souls missing, like hers? Or had this man, who theycouldn't even guess who, had taken them?

"Yeah, like her."Jones nodded his shaved head. "Professors are scurrying to theDeviations Classroom. Everyone else is supposed to go back to theirdorms."

"It happened in Deviations?" Bernard asked, hiseyes wide at the shocking news.

"That's what I heard, if Iwere you two, I would book it to Gryffindor room asap." Joneslooked to Lars. "You coming, or you're seeing your little friend isback to his dorm first?" Jones pointed right at Thomas when he saidlittle. It struck a bit of a nerve. He may be short, but he wasn'tlike he had to be referred to as some lost little kid!

"Quafflein one." Lars said with a wink, "I'll see you soon Jones." Larswaved him off.

"Sure, see ya later little vampire." Jonessmiled, making it hard for Thomas to say anything, so he didn't. Heonly lifted his hand and waved him off.

"A whole class thistime." Bernard shook his head, "We can't wait any longer."

"No,we go to the Chamber, now." Lars said, pushing to the side, as theyran the opposite way the student were going. Going along the wall,serious while the others were panicking. They had no time to prepare— this was happening now!

"It's already opened!" Thomasgrabbed the front of his robes. His heart almost stopping indisbelieve. Were they to late? The Entrance to the Chamber was at asnake-engraved sink tap on the Second Floor Girls' Lavatory. Thatmuch Bernard had told Thomas. The place where a ghost of a girl namedMyrtle Warren, more commonly known as Moaning Myrtle was often found.This was where Thomas had met her too. She was nowhere to be seen,and from Thomas understood, she rarely left this place.

Had she been harmed too? Thomashoped not, for all the ghost at the school, she was the only one notto avoid him, in fact, she was the only one to talk to him.Hopefully, Thomas wished, the ghost couldn't be hurt. That trollThomas fought could, but whither or not that was a real ghost. Thomaswould probably never know.

"A Corridor may be entered bygiving the command of "Open" or "Open up." To a snakeengraved on the entrance in Parseltongue." Lars said out loud,looking down the gaping hole. That was revealed without the bathroomsinks to block their view. "I guess, in a way, at least this solvesone problem."
"Are we too late?" Bernard voice their sharedfears, but his knees made him drop. Thomas grabbed him, holding himup by his side.

"We can't be, right Lars?" Thomas lookedto Lars who was standing upright, but much paler. Thomas if he tolooked like that? Pale, that even his lips lacked colour, but facedfirm. Eyebrows shadowing over his eyes. Shielding them from their ownfears.

"Jones said passed out, not dead. The man loves hisgossip, but only if it's correct." Lars gave Thomas, and Bernard athin smile. "I'm not going to lie, it can't be good, but we stillhave a chance."

"Should we hop down their then?" Bernardtapped Thomas on the shoulder. Thomas let his waist go, but kept hishand their, until Bernard stood upright on his own. Only then did helet it fall to his side.

"Does everyone have their wands?"Lars said pulling out his from his side holster. Thomas nodded anddid the same.

"What kind of wizard do you take me for?"Bernard took out his own from the insides of his robes. "Let's goand save Pipa."

"And all the other students too." Thomassaid, with a nod.

"The other students too?" Bernard lookedat Thomas with surprise.

"If they're down there, we can'tleave them can we?" Thomas looked at Bernard, his mind hitting ablank wall, at why Bernard would even question the idea.

"Evenafter everything they did?" Bernard asked, "Many peoplewouldn't." Thomas gave Bernard words a quick thought, but shook itoff.

"They may not like me, and they surly would leave me inthe same situation." Thomas had no doubts about that. "But if Iwant to be a good master vampire one day." Thomas did want to be agood one, he wasn't sure if he wanted to lead or run things likeProfessor Nocturne did.

All he knew is that he wanted to bestrong enough to stay with his friends. To do that, one of the thingshe needed to be was a good vampire, witch, even siren. Thomas addedhis other mother into his thoughts. To do all this, Thomas had cometo the conclusions that there was one trait he needed to work hardat.

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