Chapter 11 - The Potion Master

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The walk to breakfast was an interesting one. Many of the staircases leading up, also went down, then right and left. Made Thomas's head turn at every step, luckily Bernard had a good grasp on their location. Paintings were talking and moving along the walls. One even snickered when the staircases tried to move under Thomas's feet.

Pipa was quick to tell him off, but it's hard to yell at target that could disappear at any moment. Travelling this castle was looking like a necessary group activity. Going solo Thomas wasn't sure if he would make it to his destination. If it wasn't paintings, it was the other students heading to breakfast, if Thomas wasn't getting bumped into.

They were even doubling back to stare at Thomas. Many voiced there disappointed that Thomas's pointed ears hiding under his hair. Thomas was once again, grateful that his hair was long enough to hide it. Other whispers in the halls, and the curious eyes were not much of a bother to Thomas. It was like the orphanage but on a larger scale. Soon they would begin to ignored him, or, so he hoped. Bernard, and Pipa were a different a story.

Bernard back was stiff and ram rod straight. Many turned away by his cold look in his honey coloured eyes. Pipa acted bubbly at first, which was typical Pipa. Then when her hellos went unanswered by their fellow Gryffindor's. She soon deflated, playing with her hair.

They got to the dinning room where they got place into their houses last time. The doors opened up into a dead silence. Word had spread, it seemed. Thomas thought with a sigh, When Lars flagged Thomas down from the Slytherin table he was grateful.

"If you guys want to." Thomas decided to offer them a way out. Otherwise, Thomas felt that Bernard, and Pipa would be exhausted before the day began. "You can go to sit with Gryffindor," Thomas pointed to the tables given Thomas a swarm of angry glares. "Make amends?"

"They would have hated me one way or another." Bernard shrugged his shoulders. Pipa shook her head tails swaying.

"I rather stick with you guys." Pipa said. "At least I know where I stand with you." Pipa turned and glared at the Gryffindor tables. "Rather than judge someone on gossip!" Pipa said louder for the Gryffindor's to hear.

"Are we allowed to sit here?" Bernard said walking with them to the Slytherin tables.

"Given what I heard." Lars said when they go to his table. "They would understand. He gave Thomas a one sided smile. "You managed to stir things up over there."

"Sorry." Thomas hoped this had nothing to do with the vision he was trying to avoid, because if it was. He messed things up.

"If I was going to suck someone dry. It wouldn't be a Potter." A big round kid in glasses laughed with a trumpeting honk. "Make catch their stuck up."

"I can't bite people yet." Thomas said, sitting down beside Lars.

"You can bite me when you're older. I have a feeling your going to turn into a cutie." A chubby girl with big blue eyes winked at him.

"Thanks?" Thomas said in a question.

"Welcome." She blew him a kiss from her finger tips at him.

"Thomas." Lars pointed to the two across from them. "These are the Tinder twins. Ethan, and Victoria Tinder."

"I'm Ethan." Leaned on the table towards Thomas pushing a tray filled with red berries. "Lars pulled these aside for you."

"I'm Ethan!" He blue eyes magnified by his glasses. Narrowed as much as they good at, Thomas paused; looking at the girl who laugh with a ho-ho sound.

"But of course dear brother." Victoria said laughing once again behind her hand.

"They are playful pair." Lars said. "I bunk next to Ethan." Lars poured Thomas some juice. Thanking Lars Thomas took a deep drink, feeling refreshed.

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