Chapter 19 - A Safe Place

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Finding a quiet place in Hogwarts on a weekend, may seem like an easy task. Thomas found the reality was far from it. The library, which Bernard first suggested. Was filled with student doing their homework or fooling around.

Sending the school librarian into a series of angry squawks. Lars thought the bathrooms might be ideal, but they had gain popularity. Due to the Golden Trio, so Bernard called them. This left the three of them in a hallway, thinking on where they could go.

"Can't we do this outside?" Thomas asked again, though Lars had already rejected the idea. Resting his hands on his knees. Looking around for a quiet place was tiring — and it was impossible for them to dodge the whispers and the stares. Gossip travelled fast at Hogwarts. From Thomas could hear — he had struck again. Dining on his own friend.

"Outside is too popular, Asad's hut especially." Lars shook his head. Denying his idea once again.

"Hagrid made the hut popular after the war, and the new Keeper of the Keys — is as likeable." Bernard agreed with Lars with a frown on his pale face. "I do have one other idea, but..." Bernard brought his hands up to his mouth covering whatever he was saying with a mumble.

"What is it?" Thomas said, watching some other firsts years in yellow ties dart pass them.

"Cross your fingers." Bernard said, his voice firm and serious.

"Why?" Lars asked, his eyebrows pinched together in confusion. Thomas felt better knowing he wasn't the only one.

"We need to get to the seventh floor, and who know how many people we'll pass by on the way." Bernard shoulders shook, and his mouth turned into a grim line.

"Is that bad?" Thomas asked. Bernard was quick to nod.

"Bad luck." Bernard pulled his hands deep into his black weekend robes pockets. He shivered again, like he was cold. "We could use some good luck."

"You must hate class changes." Lars said looking at Bernard, with a quirk of his lips — it bared some resemblance to a smile. Not one Thomas would like to see, but really? What did they have to smile about?

"You have no idea." Bernard said bunching his shoulders up with another strong shiver shaking his body.

"I'll cross my toes if I have too." Thomas said, standing upright.

"Let's get to this seventh floor." He crossed all four of fingers on both hands. Thomas even tried crossing the two already crossed fingers, but he couldn't get it to work. His hands were too small.

"You only need to do it on one hand. Don't want to overdo it." Bernard said waving his hand out of his pockets to show his right finger crossed over one another.

"In my right hand the sword and in my left the shield." Thomas thought out loud, thinking of another poem from his late night reading.

"Well, gentlemen shall we banish our swords." Lars said waving his crossed fingers on his right hand.

"Lets." Bernard nodded, his shoulders relaxing. He only froze once on the stairs up — when they passed an upper class-man. Thinking back Bernard acting like that on the boat ride to Hogwarts as well. Thomas made a mental note — that Bernard got superstitious when stressed.

"Where are we going?" Lars asked once they reached the sixth floor. Thomas wondered why, with all this magic, wasn't there a quicker way to get up to the next floors.

"To check out the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy." Bernard looked around, and spoke with a whisper.

"Who is Barnabas the Barmy?" Thomas asked as they reached the top of yet another staircase.

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