Chapter 18 - Time

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Thomas had managed to make one mouse size chair and table, by the time Bernard started to stir awake. He was happy with the results of his work. The pale wood was light, and easy to work with. Thomas even managed to make the legs of the table into a spindled design. Pulling off those tiny ball like indents wasn't easy, but he hoped Pipa and Squeakers would like it.

Making them had given him some other ideas, he decided to leave those for Christmas. For the first time, Thomas had people to exchange gifts with, and he wanted to go all out. When they went out today he was going to see what kind of wood was out and about on the grounds. He's supply was ruining low, and who knew what kind of new wood was waiting for him out there?

"Good morning Thomas. How was your night?" Bernard greeted him with a yawn. Stretchering his arms out to the fullest.

"Good, I don't need to ask how you slept." Thomas said with a grin. Bernard always knocked out as soon as his head hit the pillow. He was no night owl — that was for sure.

"I can sleep anywhere." Bernard said with another yawn.

"What did you make last night?" Thomas climbed out of bed. He had gotten changed doing the night, and was using his bed as a desk slash lounger. Shaking bits of wood shavings off his green robes. It was the weekend. The school let the student wear what they wanted to, within reason. Thomas wore the robes that Aunt Merry, Lars's mother had made for him. He showed Bernard the table and chair he had made last night.

"A rocking chair?" Bernard said tipping the little chair back and forth in his hand. "You made a rocking chair for a mouse in one night?" Bernard shook his head and rocked the little chair in his hand again.

"I only hope it's sturdy enough. I've never made one for someone to sit in before." Thomas said taking the offered chair back and placing it in his ring to surprise Pipa with later.

"I'm sure Squeakers will love it." Bernard said crawling out of bed. Thomas gave him privacy to change, Bernard always wore a simple black robe on the weekends. Thomas didn't see the difference between that and his school robe, but it made Bernard happy.

They headed out of the boy's dorm. They're one of the first to leave, the others were sleeping in, it was Saturday, and if Thomas slept too. He could get the appeal. Dreaming always sounded interesting to Thomas. It was like a movie your mind played for you, by what he all heard, who would want to leave half-way through their show?

"Do you think Pipa's up yet?" Thomas said looking to the stairs to the girl's form. No boy could get up there. Not that he had ever tried, so they couldn't go up there and check up on her.

"If I know Pipa. She was up before dawn and planning out our day." Bernard said with a smile. "She worried about you." Bernard looked at Thomas. "I worried about you, Thomas. You are always so silent about your problems. I should know. I am too." Bernard shrugged his shoulders.Trying not to make a big deal out of it.

"Families legacies are tough. I know that as well." Bernard looked at his fingernails, and looked up at Thomas. "I'm here, if you ever need a midnight chat. I am no Lars..." Bernard paused and his mouth turned flat and downwards, into a torn grimace. "What I'm trying to say." Bernard dropped his hands. "I am here for you too." Bernard looked up the stairs of the girl's dorm.

"Thanks Bernard." Thomas left it at that. His offer meant as much as Pipa's words last night. He had some great friends at his side. He only needed to remember that, and tell them too. Looking at Bernard's profile, he was about to speak up. His words were cut off by a high-pitched scream. Bernard colour drain right out of his face, and if Thomas could see his own face. He was sure he would look no better. The scream had come from the girl's dorm.

Thomas Cloverleigh Echos of the Past (Harry Potter Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن