Chapter 5 - Breakfast

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Thomas woke up with the grey light of dawn peaking at him through a large round window. Blinking he sat up, blankets he didn't remember crawling under tumbled around him. Looking around he rubbed his eyes. In front of the window was a navy couch that had no back and only one arm. Beside it a small round table with a pitcher on it. Thomas didn't see the old dusty attic and it's boxes of mice and mould, but a clean spaces room.

One large dark bookcase took up the one whole side of the room. The other wall had three doors, Thomas hoped one of them was a bathroom. A small moan brought Thomas attention to his side. Lars laid sprawled on his back, mouth open and his hair a mess. Thomas smiled at the sight.

It wasn't a dream. He was really here. Sliding out of the bed Thomas's bare feet sunk into a soft grey rug. Padding across the floor Thomas tried his hand at finding the bathroom. The first door, closet to the window opened the largest closet Thomas had ever seen. It was a rainbow of colour hanging from sliver polls and scarfs hanging in thin air.

"Magic," Thomas smiled in wonder. Closing the door with a click he walked a few steps he went to the next door. White shimmered off the floors when the lights flickered to life on their own. Crystals sparkled in the air above Thomas head. Not a string of metal piece kept them floating. They stayed a float all on their own.

A clear round cup that was bigger than the orphanages old bathroom, took up most of the space. Double sinks in a grey wood and a toilet was the only thing left in the room. Walking in Thomas saw there was another door on the opposite side. Thomas ignores that to take care of his morning business.

"Morning Thomas." Lars greeted him when he came back into the room.

"Morning," Thomas said, unsure what else to say he chose to look around the room some more.

"Any questions about yesterday?" Lars crawled out of bed, dragging the blankets off with him.

"I'm a vampire." Thomas said, confirming and not questing this fact. Watching the blankets fix themselves back on the bed.

"Yes, You've awakened yet." Lars yawned and stretched around his way around the bed.

"Awakened?" Thomas asked watching the blanket shaking until it laid perfect flat edge on the bed. The pillows themselves fluffed out and lined up at the top of the bed.

"When a vampire develops his powers, and a need for blood." Lars disappeared into the closet that he glance at before. Curious Thomas followed behind. "You have siren, and wizard blood too, so puberty should be fun for you." Clothes came flying around Lars. Thomas watched with an open mouth. Lars simple raised his arms, and stepped into the swirling mass. When everything settled he came out wearing a red robe, eggplant pants and cobalt sweater.

"I'm fine for now then?" Thomas asked, not sure on how he felt about drinking blood. It sounded far from sanitary. Lard nodded, letting Thomas sighed in relieve. Before an orange scarf from the air and placing itself around Lars's shoulder with a swirl.

"You can ask Father if you like?" Lars offered. Thomas shook his head, he felt a calm air around him. Not even a glimmer of that awful feeling Thomas got in his chest when someone lied around him.

"I'm fine for now." Thomas didn't need more information right now. What would he do with it? He preferred to take one day at a time. "Um, are my clothes okay?" Seeing Lars in new clothes, Thomas felt a bit shabby in his.

"You want to change into something of mine?" Lars looked around his closet. "You're a bit shorter than me, but I have some clothes from last year." Thomas watched wooden boxes slid from the top and come down.

Thomas Cloverleigh Echos of the Past (Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now