Chapter 21 -Holidays

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November, was a month of changes. That went by faster than the leaves could fall. Gone was the tumble of autumn colours rustling along the ground. Left in their wake were strong north winds. That howled through the emptying school yard. Few students wanted to spend their time, and hanging outside at lunch. Doing nothing but shivering, with winter nipping at their heels.

Thomas, and his friends also kept their free time inside. They went to visit Pipa regularly, but the group was much quieter. Without her contagious cheer. Both her and Squeakers were doing well according to the Head Nurse. Everything was steady, and her body was fine.

Pipa looked like she was simply sleeping. It didn't offer them much comfort, but at least she wasn't in any pain, and Thomas did take comfort in that. Professor Nocturne had somewhere to go at night. Putting Thomas's night classes on hold. Not that Thomas had much hope for them. No matter what the Professor called himself — he was still the same.

Knowing all the answers, and not giving an inch on supplying the answers. It frustrated his potions students to no end, but Thomas was used to it. Learning from his past, Thomas spent his nights reading up and tinkering with potions. Among other things, after all the nights were long. Their weekends spent in the Room of Requirement.

Thomas was having a hard time holding on to a strong enough memory to make a Patronus. His only relief came in the form of Bernard, who was struggling with it as much as he was. Lars hadn't tried his hand at it yet. Mysteriously clamming up, claiming he a had an idea what it would be, and he wanted to help us out before he tried. His confidence was blinding, but it didn't help either him or Bernard out any.

December came rushing at them. The first brought a blanket of snow. Looking out the window, Thomas saw the grounds, and the school in a dusting of white. It was beautiful cold. Roaring fires were lit all around the school. It did little to battle the frigid temperatures. That seeped into the school large stone walls. Thomas had left the dorm, to spend the night curled up in front of the common room's fireplace.

There he worked away on the finishing touches to Lars's birthday gift. Thomas, not once in his eleven years — had celebrated his birthday. December first was like any other day. It didn't enter his mind that this year would be any different, but when he heard it was also Lars's birthday. Well, Thomas had to do something for him.

He had spent the better part of a week making a deck box for Lars's tarot cards. Thomas had a good supply of wood, sent by Berry — the O'Sullivan's house-elf. She never sent any letters, but Thomas would randomly get small packages full of hunks of wood. All different colours.

Thomas knew it was her, only because Lars had received a letter from his mother. Telling him how cute it was that Berry was going out for walks to gather wood for Thomas. Thomas had plans to make her soothing nice for Christmas as thanks, but he had to finish of Lars's present first.

With no spells, or enchantments. Thomas managed a simple raven design on the box he was craving. Smoothing it out until it was so smooth it shined. It could have been easier to make with magic, but working with his hands. Brought Thomas a slice of peace.

When he worked the wood, transforming it from one thing to another. That was all he could think of, nothing else in the world existed. It was only Thomas and the wood. With dawn creeping its way up. Thomas finished off the box, placing it on the table beside him. Thomas stood with a stretch.

Bernard came down the stairs rather early for him. Thomas managed to get Lars's present tuck into his ring. Yet before, Bernard dragged him out of the dorm with not so much a good morning. Thomas ran down the hall with Bernard. Down stairs, and halls until the pictures on the walls become blur. Breathing ragged, his school robes trailed behind him like wings. Only when they reached the great hall did Bernard slowed. Letting Thomas catch his breath.

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