Chapter 14 - Harry Potter

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Night — was Thomas favourite time of a twenty-four day. It was dark, with a promise of moonlight on non-cloudy days. Thomas liked the peace that night brought him. Thomas could work on his wood projects, or crack open a volume of poems to whisk the night away. Lately it had been all school work. Still, it was a time Thomas enjoyed, never once had he felt lonely, that was a trauma best left to the day — when he was surrounded by people.

How could someone be alone? Surrounded by people? It was a very easy thing to do. Each of them had selected a bed. The nurse had insisted that they stay the night for observation. Right then — after the professor's and nurses left. Thomas felt very alone — a feeling he didn't think he would get surrounded by his friends. Also, he was starting to review what had all happened, and what he looked back on left him feeling...scared.

Lars was laying on his bed — a pale figure of himself. Victoria looked no better. Bernard had fallen on his bed exhausted, and despite all her words of encouragement. Thomas didn't miss the glance of fear and worry that had run across-ed Pipa's face. Of course, it was the fear that hit Thomas the most, when Professor Nocturne had offered Thomas congratulations.

"Fangs." Thomas whispered to himself. Sighing he slid out of bed. Quieter than the snoring Squeakers on Pipa's pillow. Running his tongue along his fangs — yet again. It really hit home to Thomas. Being a vampire was more than having pointy ears. It was even more than having fangs. There was something inside Thomas. A darkness he felt. A possessive strike — that hiss when threatened. Right now it laid curled up inside Thomas.

"What is it?" Thomas held his hand to his chest, trying in vain to look out the clouded windows of the hospital wing. It didn't stop the moonlight from coming in, but it did stop Thomas from seeing out. A fact that echoed the feeling in his heart. The darkness was there, but he couldn't see its source. Was it good — like the night Thomas loved? Or bad — the thing that made Daniel Potter hate him so much. Looking at the sleeping faces of his friends. Thomas slipped out into the halls of the school in search of answers.

Was it against the rules? Yes. Did he have a reason? No. Thomas had a feeling — that there was somewhere he needed to be. Wondering the halls. Thomas ran into no one. He did catch a glimpse of Peeves, but he quickly turned tail and ran. Making Thomas sigh — was it his vampire nature that made him run or something more? Soon Thomas found himself in the place where the ghost troll appeared. His fangs, that feeling all blossomed here?

Thomas looked down at the flagged stone floors, and the cold castle walls. Not a whisper spoken — not a glimpse, seen. Thomas looked up, and saw that he was in front of the girl's lavatory. With his keen ears — he heard a faint crying. His feet acting before his mind. Thomas strode right into the girl's lavatory. It was a simple bathroom — no different from any others. A circle of sinks and mirrors were to Thomas right, and to his left was a wall of stalls. Where the crying drifted from.

"He-hello?" Thomas stuttered showing more bravery than he felt.

"Whose there?" A sharp girls voice cut in. With her head poking right through one of the stall doors.

"Are you okay?" Thomas asked, unsure how to proceed. She, with her head through a door, was obviously a ghost, and ghost don't like Thomas. Judging Peeves reaction.

"Another one." She came closer to Thomas. She looked like any other student, with glasses and pigtails. Even she wasn't a milky white — she would blend right in.

"Ah- sorry." Thomas said, not forgetting he was a boy — in the girls room.

"I thought you I heard something." Careful not to say that he felt a calling in here, that sounded weird, even to Thomas.

Thomas Cloverleigh Echos of the Past (Harry Potter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now