"I came here to try and gain back your memory."

"I didn't realize that I was ever memory wiped." Reese responded. "How can I remember something that has been wiped?"

"It wasn't exactly wiped...." The shadow started, "It was more of a forgetting spell, so that you can access the memory when you were older."

"Why do I need to access this memory? What will this help me with later in life?" Reese questioned. "Does this have something to do with the thing that will make my life fall apart?"

"It might. Look, this has something to do with the time that you were with your father."

"My father? Why in the world would I want to remember the time I had with him?" Reese responded. "With the little time I had with him, how would I forget something."

"It was small and you have to remember it. The world is counting on it."

"The world? Now you're involving the world? Damn." Reese replied. "Look, I can't help you. I have repressed so many memories in my life, and I don't know if I could get this memory back. I'm sorry. Looks like the world will have to find someone else to save it."

"You have to dig deep, Reese."

Reese closed her eyes, "Oh, I'm digging deep and so far I have found nothing that has to do with my father. Are you sure that he has to do with him? Maybe you confused him with Cade."


"My ex." Reese responded. "You've been in my head for hours now and you haven't heard of Cade? He was my kidnapper.." She got the vibes that the shadow was looking at her weirdly, so she just stopped talking.

"I didn't get your ex and your father mixed up, Reese. Can you just think about your time with your father?"

"I have been thinking about nothing but that! What more do you want? I don't know what you want me to do anymore. I have no other memories of my time with him. The only thing that comes to mind is when he left me and Rumple."

"You need to think of the positive times with your father."

"What positive things?" Reese questioned. "He was a coward and all he wanted to do is go to fucking NEVERLAND! He didn't care about his children. If he did then he would have never left."

"He did mention that you were his favorite. Now I know why." The shadow laughed. "You remind me of him."

"Thanks for the insult." Reese responded. "Can we go back to you throwing pieces of the castle at me?"

"Why would you want to go back to that?" When she didn't answer him. He sighed, "Talking about your father hurts you, doesn't it? You can't get over the pain of him leaving you."

Reese started getting angry and the shadow looked down, and saw magic coming out of her hands. She screamed and put her arms out in the direction of the shadow. Black magic came towards the shadow, and that made him disappear.

Reese started crying and ran to the one place that doesn't get hit by the pieces of the castle.


The Darker One// Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now