"Why wasn't I called?" I croaked as Sasuke pulled onto the road.

Sasuke sighed, "I don't know, Rin called Sakura."

I balled my fists and my vision blurred all over again, but these were tears of anger, not sadness. Tsunade must've been in surgery if she didn't call me herself. Shizune didn't call me either though, so I was curious how this all came about.

Sasuke didn't bother parking and blocked a fire lane for us to charge inside the emergency room entrance. We both barreled into the waiting room and I spotted Shikamaru and Kiba both, as well as Asuma. I didn't hold back as I ran to Kiba and threw myself at him. Kiba held me close and I felt Shikamaru pat my back lightly. Kiba was whispering reassuring words to me and then kissed my temple.

"Why didn't anyone call me?" I asked as I pulled away.

Kiba looked Shikamaru and then back to be, "That brunette nurse said she'd call you and Sasuke herself." Brunette?

Fucking bitch.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you can't calm down," her nasally, high pitched, bitchy ass voice hit my ears and I saw red.

I spun and launched myself forward but Kiba caught my waist, "You bitch!" I roared as I struggled in Kiba's grasp. "You didn't fucking call me!"

Sasuke watched in surprise and I heard Shikamaru mumbling behind me about troublesome women. "You're not listed as his next of kin." Rin smiled in triumph as she said the words, "His fiancé is, and she should be arriving any minute."

"I'm his sister!" I shouted as I stopped moving, though Kiba didn't let me go.

Rin shrugged, "No," she said plainly, "you're his cousin, so you hold no-"

"Rin!" The deep voice was her only warning to shut up. "That's enough." I tried to fight the tears away as I saw him step out of the hallway where the bathrooms were, but they fell anyway.

A tiny little blonde came out of a room, "You're needed in room ten, ma'am." She addressed Rin.

Rin looked at me one last time before spinning on her heel and walking towards the blonde nurse who asked for her. Kiba slowly let go of my waist and I struggled to stand upright. I heard Kiba and Shikamaru move away from me and I cast my gaze downward. Even with my blurred vision, I saw the black shoes stop before me on the white tile and I flung my arms around his neck without even looking up.

"Asami," Obito whispered as he wrapped his arms around me. "Tsunade and Shizune are in on his surgery, he was stable when they brought him in."

I sobbed and sobbed into him and he moved away to grip my hand. Obito lead me into an office and I realized it was Tsaunde's. The door clicked and I finally looked up at him. He looked like I felt: exhausted. I balled my fists at my side and flexed them, palms to fists and back and forth. Obito noted the tension and sighed as he stepped closer. I took a step back and we did this until my ass met the desk of my aunt.

Obito reached forward and shoved his hand away, "Don't touch me!" I raged. I wasn't angry at him, was I? Maybe deep down I was, but I was taking my pent up aggression out on the wrong person.

"Asami," Obito sighed as he dropped his hands and stepped away. "I'm sorry, Madara-"

"Not now," I whispered, "please, not now." I shook my head and walked to the door.

"Stay," I heard the desperation in his voice and it made my heart clench, "I'll wait with you in here."

I reached for the handle, "No." I opened the door but didn't make it anywhere.

"Babydoll," I was engulfed into a tight embrace and I broke down all over again. "I was at the scene and I was trying to call you-"

"I was in a meeting," I mumbled into his chest. I didn't even look at my phone, so really, Rin could've called, but I was sure she hadn't. I stepped away and pulled my phone and I was right. I had five missed calls from Kakashi, but that was it. "No one called me." I frowned.

Kakashi looked to Obito, "Rin told everyone that she was going to call her directly," Obito frowned, "she only called Sakura and Hinata."

"Sasuke's the one who told me," I added in a hollow tone. I looked over my shoulder to see the broken expression on Obito's face. I turned back to Kakashi and he took a step closer and closed the door behind him. I was sandwiched between these two men and I was struck with extremely inappropriate thoughts as I heard Kakashi lock the door.

Kakashi tilted his head, "Naruto was targeted." All other thoughts went out the window. Two people had a motive to target Naruto, two families had a motive to target Naruto.

Shimura and Uchiha.

The Uchiha Corp (Modern Naruto: Various x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang