Ebb and Flow of Life Chapter 27

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A Few Weeks Later

"Hello stranger, long time no see."

The familiar voice came from a table behind Tina. She turned around to face the occupant almost dropping her muffin that sat on a plate with some fruit. Tina smiled in surprise at the small middle aged blonde, eyes as green as a summer field and a genuine smile that completely lit up her face, waved.

"When did you get here. I heard you were moving back to Los Angeles, but I thought that wouldn't be till later in the year." Tina said inquiring while sliding into the chair across from her old assistant.

Shelly quickly swept her eyes across the woman she had not seen in months.  "How have you been?  You look great."

Tina smiled, "Thanks," Tina smoothed out her linen slacks as she placed a napkin across her lap.  "Doing well, thanks for asking."  Tina paused and took a sip of her coffee and a bite of her muffin.  "I had to go shopping to beef up my wardrobe.  All I had was jeans and t-shirts that I wore on set in Toronto."

"The new exec look suits you."  Shelly said pointing to the blazer that matched Tina's slacks and launder blouse that complimented it.   

"So what brought you to Los Angeles early?  The show hasn't wrapped yet?  Tina inquired.

"I heard through the grapevine that a new executive producer would be needing an assistant soon.  Since I was already packed up, Jack said I could leave early.  I was hoping I could convince the executive to bring me onto her team."  Shelly gave Tina a big toothy smile. 

Tina shook her head, "the grapevine... I would love for you to slide into the spot, but it isn't opening up until late next month.  That is why I am a little surprised that you even knew about it."  Tina tilts her head, raising a brow.

Shelly lowered her head took a bite of her breakfast sandwich appearing to mull things over, "Tina... since you left... well...  your business has been all over Toronto.  That is partly why I didn't want to stay on that production."

Tina furrowed her brows and tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

Shelly could tell by the look on Tina's face that it might have been better to keep what she knew to herself. Toronto was a long ways away, bringing the drama here, especially since Tina looked happy and content was going to serve no purpose, but it was too late now. "I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have brought it up," giving a apologetic smile.

"No, no, it's okay. I know how the rumor mill is when people have nothing better to do and location shooting is ripe for rumors. So..." Tina hesitates and took a deep breath, "What are they saying,"

Shelly took a drink of coffee as Tina leaned back and crossed her arms and legs meeting her eyes, as Shelly set her cup down and raised her head. "Well to begin with..." she hesitated, "I'm sure you can guess that you leaving Carrie, or as they have been saying leaving her at the alter, has been pretty rampant."

Tina sighed and shook her head, "Go on."

"Basically that you ran back to your ex wife because of her new position and her money." Shelly paused, "I know that isn't true, but you know how gossip goes, an ounce of truth in an ocean of lies." Shelly said sadly as she saw Tina clench her jaw. "Don't pay any attention to them. You will just drive yourself crazy."

Tina forced a warm smile, "I know you're right, it's just..."

"Nobody likes being talked about. I get it. I am sure they have already moved to their next subject." Shelly watched Tina closely and could tell from her body language and facial expression that she wasn't happy.  "I wouldn't worry to much about it, I just thought maybe you would have liked to have known." Shelly gave her a sincere smile.

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