Angelica Porter-Kennard Part 8

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Angelica Porter-Kennard had been thinking about her parents, Bette Porter and Tina Kennard while waiting for her ride.   She had been struggling with the news of her Mama T's engagement ever since she had been told about it several weeks ago. Angie didn't react in the best way when her mothers' sat her down during her Mama T's last visit to tell her the news. This announcement had been so unexpected and in her eyes the worst timing. Running upstairs to her room and slamming the door was probably not the best response.  Then glossing over the issue at dinner really didn't help either, Angie thought.  She just could not understand how things got this way. Her Mama T had said she left because she needed to find herself. Angie had told her mom that she understood, but she really didn't. Her mother's odd behavior at dinner when Angie had brought up the interruptions that often occur when she is having dinner with her Mama B caused even more confusion. Angie recalled how odd her Mama T looked during this part of the conversation and how she noticeably turned red.  Her mother excused herself and returned a few minutes later acting very different the rest of the evening. Angie had called her Mama T in Toronto and asked her to come after the pushing incident between Mama B and Mr. Adams at her school.  She felt her Mama B needed the support due to the onslaught of media that had converged upon her. Angie thought that only her Mama T could give her the necessary support to manage this crazy situation. Another mistake on her part asking one parent to do something, thinking it would help the other and then the consequences going horribly wrong. She frowned as she continued to wait.

Angie was Bette's and Tina's only child.  Her parents had wanted another child but circumstances didn't allow for it.  Bette had a unexpected physical problem that didn't allow her to have children and Tina couldn't have anymore children due to the difficult delivery of Angie.  Her parents talked of adoption for many years, but it never happened.  Angie liked being an only child because she didn't have to share her parents.  As far back as Angie could remember, she had been loved by so many people.  As her Mama B put it, The three of us are very lucky to have such a great chosen family.  Although they had lived in New York for most of Angie's young life, being in Los Angeles always felt like home. 

Angie waved at the Black Jeep as it turned into the driveway of her school.  Shane had gotten into the habit of picking up Angie after school.   Bette's campaign often made her late, so Shane had stepped in and continued after the election ended because she liked spending time with her niece. 

"How's it going kiddo?" Shane said brightly.

"Great, I had a report for school to finish and I was having difficulty concentrating. I guess I've had a lot on my mind, anyways, Jordi helped me, so it wasn't late."

Shane listened rather than talked. She drove as Angie continued to recount her day.  She thought regrettably more than ever how isolated from her family she had been and the little things she had missed while living in Europe. 

Angie reached for the the MP3 connector and hooked up her phone.  As the music began to play, she leaned back and tried to figure out how she was going to approach her Uncle Shane with a bunch of questions she had about her parents.  Since her Mama T's visit, things had gotten really weird and uncomfortable.  The last time her heart felt this heavy was when her Mama T and Mama B told her they were getting a divorce.

"So, I was wondering if I could talk to you about something Jordi and I did?"  Angie asked anxiously. 

Shane took a quick look at Angie, with two things going through her mind. How did she get to be the lucky one for Angie to ask about Lesbian sex and how was she going to face Bette?  Shane recalled how Bette over reacted when Shane told her about seeing Jordi give Angie her first kiss. The pale look on Bette's face and in her eyes you could see she was envisioning the two young girls rolling on the beach naked. "Okay, but can it wait till we get to my house." Shane said as she shifted uneasily in her seat. 

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