Chapter 23 The Sweet Medicine

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My whole world just crushed down into debris.

The most devastating moment is when someone whom you trusted, you cared, you opened your heart, you loved so much ; misunderstand you so badly, so badly that it starts feeling like strangers.

"Oli are you Ok?", Emma rubbed my back and asked.

"Yup I'm fine...... Won't be shedding my precious tears for him", I said and laughed.

I laughed, laughed, laughed very hard as if I haven't laughed for ages.

On returning home, Noah helped me with the wheelchair. Mum and dad did a superb job in decorating the house.

The joy in Mum's eyes, seeing me returning home was priceless. Mum even though acts tough outside and never miss a chance to pull my leg, but deep inside she loves me more than anything and I know that.

I laughed till my stomach ached, I sang till my throat got dried up, I danced on every single beat(by dance I meant moving my upper part of my body sitting in the couch ) , I was  hyped up until each cell of my body pleaded me to came down.

After my welcome party, when everyone left ; Mum put me back to my bed.

While tucking my blanket, I grabbed Mum's hand.

"Yes sweetie, do you want something?", Mum asked.

"Yes...... Just a tight hug...... really tight one.....", I answered and hugged her.

"Mum...... I love you. You know when the car hit me and when I was sure that I'm going to die, for a moment I thought, that there are so many things that I've not done, so many things I've not said yet.....", I started saying.

"Mum, I'm very honoured and lucky that I got a chance to be your daughter. You're the coolest Mum of the world. You raised me, tolerated my nuisance, cared me, loved me and what did I give in return to you?......... Nothing!", I said in my trembling voice.

My voice was having a hard time controlling my tear dam to open up. Burdened with the pressure, it was trembling. My innocent lips started to quiver and my foolish heart got excited once again.

" Mum from now on I promise I'm going to study very hard, pass every exam with flying colours, accomplish every achievement and become a decent human being of whom you'll be very proud. I promise...... I promise you that from now on I'm going to devote my life in making your life happy and full of joy", I stated and tightened the hug.

"Olivia, I'm already proud of you. You already are a very good girl, a daughter which every parent would want to have. Whatever you will be in future, I am always going to love you. Remember Dad and Mum are always with you. You are never alone", Mum patted my back and consoled me.

Her voice was just like a sweet medicine that instantly eased down my heart, sealed up my every wound.

I guess that's the power which makes mothers the best person in the world.

" What's going on between daughter and mother?", Dad peeped in.

Mum gestured him to come in.

"Dad, I'm so sorry for troubling you, you must have been so tensed up. I know I'm very bad daughter but I promise........ I really promise that from now I'll surely be a good girl, a daughter of whom you two can be proud of. I love you...... I love you Mum and Dad.... I lov.. ", my voice gave up and my tear dam at last broke.

" Oh sweetie...... ", Dad stepped up and hugged me.

" You are the best daughter and we are so happy and fortunate to have you Sweetie. Dad and Mum are always going to be with you so don't worry about anything", he stated and kissed my forehead.

Dad enclosed Mum and me in a giant bear hug and we stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

"Come on now sleep", Dad broke the cosy and warm hug.

"Dadddd!!", I muttered.

Perhaps, my brain was really exhausted and tired from the hectic day and so it immediately turned off and, I fell asleep.

It was really nice and comfy to sleep once again in my bed.

The cruel day finally came to an end.


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