Chapter 22 The Fact Made It Over

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I was in the hospital for a week. The wounds are drying up, the bandages were reducing in number. Thank God my face was intact.

Everyone made me feel so special in these days, regular visits, caring, feeding and loving me; I was just overwhelmed. But between all this, one thing was missing and that is, Kevin.

He didn't visit me for once. Huh, I'm talking about visiting, that boy didn't even cared to call me up or even text me. I don't know what on earth he's been doing. When that day on the bus, he misunderstood my blush and thought that I got hurt; he was so tensed up and wanted to take me to the hospital. But see today when I'm really injured and am lying in hospital ; he's vanished.... simply vanished!

I'm now angry at him. Nearly everyone from the school paid their visit. Those bitchy girls were having a gala time seeing me there lying alone without Kevin being there. But one of them foolishly said something which made me cheerful and gave my lungs a hearty laugh.

She said in her squeaking voice and in her superly annoying so called sweet tone,
"Kevin was looking so handsome that day, the way he was holding the brush...... Ahh! I nearly fainted."

Who stopped you from fainting huh?

"I feel pity for you for you couldn't see all that", she continued.

Yes yes enjoy yourselves.

"And yeah..... He was so sassy when he refused to accept any flowers from anyone. I specially had the flowers prepared by experts on special order. But, he didn't accept any of our flowers. Just smiled and said thank you", she added.

Awwwwwwww! My Pighead!

"May be he's allergic to flowers. Yeah that might be the case, I'm sure!", she concluded confidently.

OMG! The way I controlled my laughter I only know. How can be a person so dumb!

But, I was still angry with him. Ok after listening this I decided that I might go easy on him, but still I'm angry!

Today, I was supposed to get discharged from the hospital. Tyler, Emma and Noah were bringing me from the hospital while Mum and Dad were preparing the house for me.

My one leg was still plastered and so, I had to move in a wheelchair.

"Emm I can do it", I interrupted.

"I know but still I'm going to do it", Emma didn't paid any heed and continued tieing my hair in a ponytail.

"It's time ladies", Tyler announced.

"Uhm... Excuse me, I'm here too", Noah said.

"Yeah I know and I meant you too", Tyler said and we three burst into laughter.

"Ooohh my god! Did you call him a girl?", I added injury to Noah's insult.

"You are dead today!", Noah said and pranced on Tyler.

"Guys guys guys cool down!", Emma and I separated them.

Laughing, giggling we four bid our farewell to the hospital staff and was about to sit in the car. Suddenly, someone called out my name and I knew who it was by the voice.

"Olivia.....", Kevin called me.

Finally that idot showed up!

Standing in front of me with his handsome sculpted face, with his black deep eyes, with his black messy yet styled hair, with his attractive physique.

But..... His look......He had a different look on his face and it made me really very uneasy.

"Kevin...", I went towards him.

"I'm happy that you are finally getting discharged. Stay happy and healthy from now on, in your life with your..... new partner", he said and faintly smiled.

For the first time, his voice sounded so unfriendly, so cold. His smile didn't had any love and sweetness in it. His voice sounded like he was controlling something within himself.

"What on earth are you saying?", I was now losing my calmness.

"It's alright Olivia, I know you never loved me, never.... never liked me. Now that school is getting over, you too want to move on. I know that you wanted to break up with me and tell me that it's over and that's why I was avoiding you. I was gathering strength to accept the fact ",he said.

"What..... What fact? Kevin what fact?", I was now shivering.

It felt like I was standing on the edge of the cliff of calmness and on the other side was anxiety, anger, nervous breakdown and every word of Kevin was pushing me off the edge.

"The fact that you never loved me, the fact that you made fake promises, the fact that you used me, the fact that you love Noah, the fact that......... that you kissed him", Kevin bursted out.

"Just shut up Kevin...... Why on earth are you saying all this? Just for God's sake stop! Come we'll sit and talk", I said in my shivering voice.

"No! Don't hide it anymore. Its useless. I...... I saw it with my own eyes. You two kissing each other..... passionately. I bet it was good, wasn't it? I bet you want to kiss him again and again, I bet you want to sleep...", Kevin had to stop.

I feel off the cliff.

I stood up from the wheelchair.

" Kevin Brown!!!!!! ", I shouted.

I swinged my arm back and landed it as hard as I could on his cheeks.

Yeah right, I slapped him!

" Mind what you are saying! How dare you! How dare you talk rubbish about me. You know, you don't deserve me. You are the most disgusting person ever I've met. You want to get our relationship over right? Well yeah, it's over now! But not because, I didn't love you and all that, its because you fooled me with your sweet honey dropping words all this time when you had so much dirt inside your heart ", I shouted at the top of my voice.

" Oli came dowm",Emma and Tyler made me sit back on the wheelchair.

I was shaking with anger, my eyes were furious red and widely opened, looking straight on his face. I've never got so angry ever before.

"You know what, I don't want to see you ever again! Never ever show me your face!", I said and turned back.

Noah helped me to sit on the car.

"I hope that I never see you again! Never again....... Never!!!", I heard him shouting.

"Tyy go.... please take me away from here", I asked restlessly.

Tyler starts the car and drives off.


~Ever been in a situation when someone whom you loved misunderstands you so bad?

I'm still waiting for the person who might love me unconditionally, so till now, I've not experienced such thing.

But if you have, please tell me in the comments and how did you deal with it.

Please comment and vote

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