Chapter 1 Reminiscence of childhood

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Destined love are fated to meet no matter how you churn its path.

My mum says when you are born, your partner is already decided.

If this is true then that pig head was already destined for me all this time. 

I, who am I.... Well let's start from the very start!

In the laps of Chicago, I took my first step in the quicksand of knowledge. I don't remember much about my kindergarten days, all I could is only from the clicks that I have treasured.

So till now all I could tell you is that I had three friends back then - Tyler Wilson, Emma Scott and Noah Brown. 

I've always been an introvert throughout my childhood but strangely I used to get along with these three very well ; well that's what my mum said.

Let me take you to a tour of my treasures.

I have a box that contains little faded pictures, toys and a drawing. There's a picture that depicts Emma in a swim suit, Tyler in a glitered suit and holding a golden mike, Noah wearing a painter's apron and holding a painting round brush and a plate and last but not the least, I'm wearing a white chef's cap, an over sized apron, blue oven gloves and holding a cake mould.

As I love baking, I figured that they might have loved the things in which they were dressed in.

There are pics that portray our innocent, stressless, harmonious smiles which is unaware of deadly mischiefs that life was waiting to gift us. I came to know that I used to suck at painting and sports even in childhood. 

But there's a drawing too. That drawing doesn't looks like a toddler's drawing but a much more matured child's drawing. My mum said that on my birthday, Noah gave this to me.

The drawing was of a girl and a boy, sitting under a tree, holding hands. She is leaning on his shoulder and they both have a satisfied smile and seeing it just made a smile pop on my face. 

My childhood was the best, one could ever had; with abundant free time to play around without worrying about grades and unaware of my mum's veiled angry face which was of course unveiled the moment the sprout began to shoot up.

The best memories I could ever hold is getting my hands covered with flour and holding my dad's hand while whisking the coco powder and turning the whole thing into a shimmerous cake batter.

I didn't know the number system then but I could tell you that for a perfect cake - three cup of flour and coco powder with two eggs is a match made in heaven.

My dad loved baking and so do I. He said that baking teaches us lessons on life. Well, hearing those lessons were like an aeroplane passing over my head but who knew that later I would have to board those planes.

Let me share you one of his lessons -

"Life will give you rough flour, bitter coco powder and smelly eggs but, you should always try to whisk them all so well that it turns into a sparkling smooth batter."

His one of the lessons which is now embedded in my heart is,
"Don't be afraid from heats of life, it only helps your deed to bake into a mouth-watering success. For a batter to rise and turn into a cake, heats are must...."

Under the azure sky, I played all my childhood days.....completely unaware of what was waiting for me.


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