Chapter 11 This can't happen!

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The word 'love' is a very powerful word in the dictionary. To like someone and to love someone are completely different concepts. When you like someone, you are just happy when you are around them. But, when you start loving someone, you become happy if they are happy, you smile when you see their smile. You get tensed up if, even a small scratch comes to them. That's love and I was feeling the same back then.

One year of high school withered away. In this one year, Kevin and I have developed a bond. When did I started liking him more than anything? When was the last time I felt sad? When was the last time I travelled alone in the bus? I didn't know the answers of these questions.

I was sure that I don't just like him anymore. My feelings for him have been magnified . Now , I don't get worked up anymore, when a girl  proposes to him; I trust him. I don't fear the jerks in the bus anymore ; he protects me. I don't have to worry about catching a cold if I go out ; his warmth won't let me to fall sick. A feeling of selflessness have been developed in me. All this was because.... because I love him now. Yes I do!

Kevin was the boy, with whom I was in love. Within this one year, I came to know alot about him. What were his likes and dislikes, what made him happy and what made him sad. What were his weakest and strongest points. After knowing all that, I was sure that I wouldn't find anyone who would love me as he do.

In this year, we went to watch a movie, had meals together, clicked countless pictures and did all those cliche things that couples do. It was the time for our final exams. I made up my mind that on the day of results, I would tell him.

We started studying together. For the first time, I really enjoyed studying. Explaining him his doubts made me happy. Gradually, our exams started. I never really had exam phobia. But Emma used to get super nervous before every exam and so all of us used to encourage her. Those words of encouragement somehow made me feel happy too.

Our exams got over and soon it was time for the results. I was nervous, not for the results but for the promise I made to myself. The Songoomh was a fancy school and so, the results were announced on the website. I picked up my phone and started typing, "Kevin, after seeing your report, come to the library next to the bus stop. I need to say something important to you." I really thought thrice, before pressing the send icon.

At 4 'o' clock in the evening, our results were out. I stood first in the class. Mum and dad were super happy and proud of me.

" See I told you earlier, this school is the best. You were the one who nagged uselessly",my mum said. But I was in no mood to argue with her, I wanted to go as soon as possible.

At 4:30 P.M, I stepped out for the library. I was already late and walked in feverish haste. When I reached at the bus stop, I saw a chaos of people and police officials.

" The boy was really young.... Why god is so merciless?...", I heard some folks sighing. There must be an accident. But, I made my way to the library.

Shit! It is 5:00 P.M now and I told him to come immediately after the results. He must be waiting for so long ; I was mumbling as I entered the library. I searched for him. I thought he would be waiting where we used to sit everytime we came to read, but he wasn't there. I searched every section of the library but didn't find him.

I asked the librarian who was familiar with our faces, "Excuse me sir, have you seen the boy who comes with me everytime? Did he come here?"

"No, he didn't come today.", he replied.

How come he didn't showed up till now? It's very unusual of him as he is always very punctual. I took my phone out. There was a notification of Kevin's text at 4:15 P.M. It read, "I'm heading towards the library now. I'll put my phone on bike mode. When are you going to come?"

What is this... he headed at 4:15 and it takes hardly 10 minutes to get here. He's still not here!...... My heart stopped. I was feeling paralyzed and stood frozen when a thought, a very awful thought crossed my brain.

No!!.... No, this can't be possible.... this can't happen! That boy who had an accident near the bus stop.... was...... was none other than Ke...... Kevin!!!


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The story has taken a serious turn. ~Could it be possible what Olivia just thought now?
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