Chapter 12 Power Of Love

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I ran with all my might towards the bus stop. I couldn't feel my legs, my eyes were red and were turning watery. I was constantly saying to my heart that everything is alright. I reached the bus stop. Cluster of folks were still there, I saw an ambulance leaving the site. It's siren was piercing my ear drums.

I quickly asked a police officer, "Excuse me sir! Can you.... please tell me.... what happened here." My voice was shaking, I was running out of breath.

"A boy of your age was hit by a car. It is a hit & run case", the police officer replied.

Hearing it, I couldn't hold back myself. I broke down there. Tears were gushing down from my green eyes. My heart ached, I couldn't breathe. I felt dizzy, unable to control my balance, I collapsed.

Somebody grabbed me when I was falling. The person was shaking me, gently hitting my face.

"Olivia! Olivia!.... Olivia open your eyes!", the person shouted. Although my eyes were closed, but somehow the person's voice reached my brain. It was a familiar voice. Wait! Its Kevin's voice!

I tried very hard to open my eyes. The vision was blurred due to the tears. The warmthness of the person's hand on my cheeks felt like Kevin's too! Soon after my vision was cleared up, it was... Kevin!!!

I felt like god has granted me life again. My energy was back, I hugged him very tightly and weeped. I weeped very hard. He lifted me and made me sit on the benches of the bus stop.

I was still hugging him tightly. I didn't want to leave him even for a second. He hugged me back and motioned his hand on my head, rubbed my back.

"Olivia... What happened? Stop crying..... stop Olivia", he said. His voice again showed its magic and smoothen my nerves. After sometime, I felt a little better.

"Where were you? I said you to wait in the library. Why weren't you there?", I asked sobbingly.

Mopping my tears with his long fingers, he said, " I was waiting for you but then I thought that as you stood first, I should buy you a gift. So, I went to the opposite gift shop. While I was picking a present for you, the accident took place. The shop owner ran to help, asking me to look out for the shop. I tried to call you but my phone died. Just now he returned and I was rushing towards the library but saw you here collapsing. "

" But why were you crying here......did you thought..... Ohhh now I get it", he said and chuckled.

"You are laughing! Do you even know how terrible I just felt. I was scared to hell!", I shouted at him.

"Ok ok I'm sorry", he apologized.

"No! I won't forgive you. You will get punished for your sins. Listen carefully!.... I... I love you! I love you, Kevin.... and your punishment is that you have to love me back", I said looking at his deep black eyes.

He pulled me, hugged me and said, "I love you too and I would happily accept my punishment. In fact, its award disguised as punishment."

We both chuckled. He kissed my forehead and buried my face in his arms. He whispered, " Never leave me Olivia. No matter what happens, no matter how bad I become, promise me that you won't leave my side. "

"I promise. I cross my heart and hope to die... The same applies on you too. You better not leave me. Always be my Pighead", I whispered back.

"Why do you call me Pighead?", he asked and to which I laughed.

"Always laugh like this", he said and started laughing with me.

That day, I learnt a lesson. You don't realise how much you love the person until you get the feeling of losing them. That's the power of love. It can bring a person alive and I was lucky that I got to feel that power that day.


Greetings to all!
~What does love means to you guys?

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