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the only normal chat on this website

members: 1) parkjimin20
2) you

parkjimin20: omg ur dramatic

Me: ooh so he's come back

Me: Couldn't get enough of me hmm 😌😉

parkjimin20: Psh as if

parkjimin20: I'm bored and u seem to be the only one on this chat

Me: Well can't anyone join???

Me: It is public

Me: Then again...

Me: Ur chat title game is pretty weak

parkjimin20: Umm

parkjimin20: Says the one who clicked on this chat Bc it seemed like the best option

parkjimin20: Might I add BASED ON THE TITLE

Me: Damn bro why are u screaming

parkjimin20: Cuz I'm tired bro

Me: Same bro

Me: Well the whole point of this stupid website is to get to know other people who are dying

Me: so hello

parkjimin20: Hello?eventhowevealreadymet???

Me: Loosen up bro

Me: It's the summer have some fun

parkjimin20: I'm trapped inside my house with no people

parkjimin20: And I'm an extrovert

Me: wow rough life there bud...🙄

parkjimin20: Oh please like ur enjoying this anymore

parkjimin20: If ur on the site there's no way ur having fun during summer

Me: True dat

Me: But I didn't come here by choice

Me: My friends forced me to join this

Me: They literally wouldn't stop bugging me about it so I said what the hell

Me: And here we are

Me: I'm talking to a weirdo

parkjimin20: Rude

parkjimin20: But what about at home

parkjimin20: Are you quarantining alone, or is there a special someone ur social distancing with???

Me: Was this a subtle way of asking me if I was single??

Me: Cuz that's pretty smooth

parkjimin20: I try 😌

Me: And to answer ur question

Me: I'm not quarantining alone

Me: But not like that

Me: I'm in uni and I stay in a dorm so when they sent us all back I had to go to my parents place

Me: So I'm staying with my parents

parkjimin20: Lucky

parkjimin20: I'm in uni but I live independently

parkjimin20: So I'm a lonely potato 🥔🥺

Me: Aww

Me: I'll be ur potato friend 😊

parkjimin20: Thanks bro ✊🏼

Me: I got u bro ✊🏼

parkjimin20: So...uni student? Where do u study?

Me: woah bro

Me: Idk if I'm ready for giving out the deets yet

parkjimin20: what

Me: U gotta ease into given someone ur info

Me: Like we ain't even on a first name basis yet

parkjimin20: ...

parkjimin20: Isn't ur name Kim Dayoung???


parkjimin20: Are u on drugs

parkjimin20: It's in ur username???

Me: oh

Me: OH

Me: Well how do u know that's my name? It could be fake

parkjimin20: Judging by the way u said "how did you know" I'm going to take a wild guess and assume ur name is Kim Dayoung

Me: And I suppose ur Park Jimin 🙄

parkjimin20: Genius 👏🏼 A+ for that deduction

Me: I try 💅

parkjimin20: Question

parkjimin20: Are u a female human???

Me: Umm...

Me: Weird way to phrase it but yes

parkjimin20: Oh ok

parkjimin20: I am of the male gender btw

Me: Weird flex but ok 👌🏼

Me: Hey I gtg now ttyl

parkjimin20: Noooooo

parkjimin20: Ur saving me from boredom

parkjimin20: Dayounggggg

parkjimin20: Fineeee

[Read at 4:57 P.M.]

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