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the cool ones

members: 1) parkjimin20
2) you

Me: Hey you ok?

Me: You haven't responded to any of my calls or texts

Me: Omg that sounded really clingy I'm sorry I didn't mean it to be overbearing

Me: Just wanted to make sure you were okay

parkjimin20: Hey sorry

parkjimin20: It's fine babe

parkjimin20: I'm fine

Me: 😑

Me: Those dry responses say otherwise

Me: Come on

Me: Talk to mama D

parkjimin20: D I'm fine I promise

Me: As your girlfriend, I've become trained in the art of knowing when you're fine and not

Me: So J, spill the beans

parkjimin20: D I love you but can we please drop it

Me: Park Jimin

Me: You know I don't take no for an answer when it comes to something like this

parkjimin20: It's really nothing babe

parkjimin20: Just seasonal finals stress

Me: Ok well it's clearly bugging u a lot and that bugs me a lot cuz I don't like seeing u bugged

Me: What do u have to do for ur finals?

parkjimin20: I have to choreograph several dances for different genres for each of the respective classes as well as study for written tests

parkjimin20: See I know everything but I feel like I'm just going to freeze when the time comes

parkjimin20: I've never been good at coping with test stress

Me: Aww babe 🥺

Me: J listen to me

Me: U are one of the smartest guys I know out there. Especially when it comes to your craft. U have this unwavering passion that exudes out of u. It's truly one of the most attractive things about u. Is how u so willingly try ur damndest because u know nothing less. And that's what matters. Is that u try. And I know u do. And about ur test stress, it happens to the best of us. Some great coping strategies for test stress include but are not limited to: taking a walk, meditation, writing in a journal, reading a book, listening to music, and talking with loved ones. It's simple things like that which can really alleviate the nerves. The thing is, many people think stress is detrimental to their health which it can be if it's distress. But there's a good stress called eustress which is meant to help ur body maintain goals and strive for greatness. Turn ur distress into eustress by remembering what u have control over and what u don't 😘

parkjimin20: Holy sh-

parkjimin20: That was kind of hot

Me: Jimin focus

parkjimin20: Sorry

parkjimin20: But seriously babe

parkjimin20: Thank you so much

parkjimin20: I don't know how u do it, but u always seem to say what I need when I need it

parkjimin20: I'm going to start running out of stars to thank at this point

Me: Yourself

Me: Ur the brightest star of all 🥰

parkjimin20: wait that was good

parkjimin20: Damn u must be good at everything

parkjimin20: You use that sexy brain for psychology and then you use it for witty one-liners

Me: 😉

Me: I have been trained by the best

Me: But seriously J

Me: I don't like seeing you down in the dumps like that

Me: I know better than anyone that expecting happiness 24/7 is impossible

Me: But don't fight it alone

Me: Cope together

parkjimin20: I love you and your sexy brain so much

Me: Go study ok or rest rather

Me: And we love you very much 😍

[Read at 5:57 P.M.]

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