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the cool ones

members: 1) parkjimin20
2) you

parkjimin20: Hey u up?

Me: Oh hey

Me: Sorry I just came out of the shower

parkjimin20: U excited for ur first day??

Me: U betcha

Me: And by that ^ I mean I'm literally pissing myself

parkjimin20: oof ok

parkjimin20: I'm pretty good at pep talks so let's do this

Me: Pause

Me: Let me guess...ur captain of the dance team or something and u do this often...

parkjimin20: Umm

parkjimin20: Maybe 👉🏼👈🏼

Me: Ofc u are

Me: Alright Captain Park

Me: Pep away

parkjimin20: Ok 😤 here I go

parkjimin20: You listen here Kim Dayoung. You have prepared your whole life (or summer in this case) for this moment. You are strong, fierce, and spicy and you will not shy away from a challenge! You are going to do this and be amazing! Everyone will love you and you'll do amazing things with your psychic powers!

Me: You know what it'll do

Me: Thanks...I think

Me: Also...

Me: Psychic powers???

Me: U do know psychology and psychics are NOT the same right???

parkjimin20: Duh

parkjimin20: aw fudge did I write psychic? I meant psychological

Me: Yeah ok 😂

Me: What about you?

Me: When does classes start for you?

parkjimin20: Tomorrow

parkjimin20; But I take afternoon and night classes

Me: Lucky

Me: I have classes all day

Me: On zoom nonetheless

Me: Do u know how many coffees I'm going to have to drink to stay awake???

Me: I'm already a college student, drinking coffee is a norm

Me: But zoom...

Me: I need coffee to keep zooming

parkjimin20: Woah chill out

parkjimin20: It'll be fine

parkjimin20: Just try to listen and maybe it'll be interesting enough for you

Me: As much as I love psychology

Me: I highly doubt that

Me: Zoom makes everything boring unless someone puts a background on or they do that thing where they take a screenshot of themselves, make it their background, and leave

parkjimin20: What?

Me: I may have been watching a few too many zoom tiktok compilations 😅

parkjimin20: Oh boy ok then

parkjimin20: So what're u doing right now?

Me: I just logged onto my class and got the zoom link

Me: I'm waiting for my teacher to start now

parkjimin20: Make sure to eat breakfast

Me: Eh I'm not really a breakfast person

parkjimin20: Kim Dayoung

Me: Park Jimin

parkjimin20: I'm serious young lady

parkjimin20: Ur a growing woman who needs fuel to understand

parkjimin20: Eat breakfast 😡

Me: Yessir

Me: Whatever u say dad

parkjimin20: I'm serious Dayoung

parkjimin20: Trust me

parkjimin20: I've tried not eating and it did not work out well

Me: okokokok I get it

Me: My mom is making me a fruit salad ok?

parkjimin20: Yessss perfect

Me: Oh crap crap crap

parkjimin20: What?

Me: He started the meeting

Me: I've got to turn on my camera now

Me: Ok I've gotta go

parkjimin20: Ok good luck

parkjimin20: You'll do great

Me: Thanks Jimin

Me: Oh and before I forget cuz clearly you did

Me: [sends photo]

Me: Here's that picture 😉

Me: Byeeee

parkjimin20: Holy-

parkjimin20: I forgot but my word

parkjimin20: Ur gorgeous Dayoung

[Read at 8:29 A.M.]

You guys can imagine Dayoung anyway you like. I didn't want to put a photo because I feel like everyone is beautiful in their own right. So yeah 🥰 Happy Reading 📖

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