50: Reconsider

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With Elizabeth's secret safe with me, I headed back downstairs to the party with Griffin.

There were certain rules to any rivalry, and she was absolutely right that I was the only person who would even come close to understanding. And even though she was a stupid bitch who didn't deserve to be handed my spot for nothing, it would be a major rule infraction to tell Griffin that her career very well could be fucked.

It was dumb to think that there could be only one woman driver in NASCAR, but a lot of people seemed to buy into that. And whether Elizabeth chose to put her career on hold or not go through with the pregnancy, I sure seemed like a less shitty option now.

But that was only if other people knew.

I bit my lip. What the hell was she trying to gain by telling me? Support? An easy choice? A brand new way to drive myself crazy?

I told her that I wanted to race her again to finally prove I was better, but maybe I just wanted my old spot back—not with RTR, of course, but my spot where I was just another racer. I wasn't well-liked in the garage, but I didn't need to be. All I needed was one more chance.

Truscott spoiled himself with Griffin, who had natural talent beyond belief and usually got all the lucky breaks. He didn't want a two-car team. He wanted to pour all the investments he could into one car and hope for the best with the other.

But before I could get all worked up about Truscott's stupid ass again, Griffin handed me an M&M cookie.

"How's Penny?" he asked.

"She's definitely not too thrilled with the noise. She's hiding under the bed and won't come out," I said.

He smiled. "Yeah, she doesn't like anything that's louder than her."

"Then how the hell does she like both of us?"

He shrugged. "We give off a cool vibe, I guess. I think that's why you're the former most popular driver."

I smiled. "Well, it'll be current very soon. Whatever it takes, really. I still have a lot of people to prove wrong. A lot of times it feels like you're one of the few who believe in me."

"How could I not? You've always been a fighter, and I'd have to be stupid to think you'd ever quit."

I took a bite from the cookie and smiled again. "You're so goddamn sweet to me. I'm glad I finally let this happen, you and me. And I really don't think you'll ever understand what you mean to me."

With the music so loud, there was no chance anyone would hear, but even if they did, I didn't give a shit.

"I won't ever understand?" Griffin said.

I shook my head. "I don't have anyone but you, but you have a billion options and you still pick me. I don't know why, but you do. And that's why you won't ever get it."

He hesitated. "That's how you feel?"

"Well, yeah. My racing team isn't mine anymore, my parents are dead, and the rest of my family is dead to me because they don't understand I'll never get over what happened to them. And you never had to show up at the hospital to visit me and my broken neck when we didn't even know each other. And you're honest with me no matter what, and you understand I'm trying my best, and you stick with me."

This time, he didn't even bother responding with words. He pulled me close to his body, his toned body that was decorated with tattoos that looked cool and meant something to him, and kissed me.

For a moment, the entire party died down and it was just him and me. And even though it felt like that most of the time, I liked it a hell of a lot better when we were touching.

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