28: Will

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"You know, I really miss it." I took another sip of the most expensive red on the menu as we waited on our food. "I miss it more than anything."

"What? Racing?" Griffin asked.

I nodded. "And I'm doing everything I can to get back there, but what if no one wants me on their team? Then it doesn't even matter."

"Of course someone wants you. You're easily one of the more qualified and talented free agents out there. You said you're doing everything in your power to prove you still want this, right?"

I nodded. But what about Daniel Henderson and his insulting offer to publish my complaints? "Well, mostly."

"Then they'd be stupid not to sign someone like you. I mean, I'm a little biased, but—" He trailed off. "I actually wanted to ask you if you wanted to come to the Pocono race this weekend. Ever since you left, I haven't even come close to winning."

I had been planning on going since there was no way in hell they'd continue the tournament on a Sunday, but he had to beat me to it.

"Dammit." I laughed. "That was going to be a surprise."

"Oh my god, really?" He laughed too. "But, like, I want you there there. In the pit box and shit."

It wasn't uncommon to have a wife or girlfriend sit with the crew chief and a few of the engineers under a tent to study lap times, fuel mileage, and other aspects that drivers didn't have the time or focus to care about, but I wasn't any of those people for him.

Was that going to ruin my fun? Fuck no.

I smiled. "That'd be great actually. I've always been curious about how the other side operates."

"You're just not allowed to touch anything, okay?"

"I won't."

"Don't lie."

"I'm not lying."

Griffin raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm lying," I said.

He nodded. "I'm not fucking around, Kate. I really want you to be there since we're finally just a state away from each other, but you cannot touch anything. Do you understand that?"

"Yeah, I understand that, but that's kinda lame. What can I even break from up there?"

"Thousands and thousands of dollars' worth of technology. You can have as many wine coolers as you want. Just don't touch any of the monitors."

I bit my lip. Of course, that wasn't the image I needed everyone to see while I was there, so I certainly would have to pass on the drinking, but I could never pass up an opportunity to spend a Sunday afternoon judging every move Griffin made. "I'll be good. I promise."

"I know you will. You're a lot less of a dumbass than people think."

I smiled. I really wasn't, but he always thought of me as something better than I actually was. "So anyway, how have you been?"

"Bored. Really, really bored." He laughed. "I'm gonna be honest with you. It's like I have no reason to put up with Roger every day."

"Put up with him? You get everything from him. You make him money, so he likes you."

"Well, yeah, but I don't exactly like working for the asshole who fired my favorite person in the entire world."

"You shouldn't let that change anything about the way you go about your life, okay? I'll always be there for you no matter where I am, and there are plenty of other somewhat tolerable people in Baton Rouge and NASCAR."

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