Angels Mercies

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Angels Lament

Hello again and welcome to another chapter, I hope you are doing well. Today we will be continuing a little while after the last chapter and now aboard the venerable Astartes Vessel The Angel's Retribution. Also for a bit of help on how the timeline of this chapter plays out its a this happened and then while that happened this happened at the same time. If that makes any sense. What will happen aboard this hallowed vessel, how will the Crew of the Normandy react to the sacred Technology of the Emperor, and his Mighty Angels? Well, let's find out...

Chapter 25: Angels Mercies

Commander Shepard awoke to a strange forceful shake this sending her mind into instant alertness as she woke. But instead of some enemy prison cell, she found herself in the familiar surroundings of the Normandy's Captains Quarters. The light emanating from the fish tank being the first sight the drained and veteraned Commander saw, the tank immediately putting some of her worries at rest. Jane sat up from her bed, her body aching as she moved. Once she was in an upright position Jane rubbed her palms against her face attempting to wipe away the last of her fatigue to no real effect. It was then Jane noticed the IV attached to her arm, the sight of the tube poking out of her left arm bringing all of her memories from the last few days all back to the forefront of her mind. The pain and anguish this recollection almost bringing her to tears, the 'Saviour of the Citadel' barely holding herself in check.

Finally, after wrestling some control back Jane looked around her quarters, scanning to see if anything else was different. Jane herself was dressed in her undersuit, which went beneath her armor. While to her left next to her nightstand was the IV stand, the bag of clear liquid giving a faint glow, which Jane found highly unusual but before thinking too much on that she continued to scan the room. On Jane's nightstand sat her Carnifex pistol, and her Assault Rifle beside it, Jane taking note of this. On the Floor directly ahead of the IV stand was Jane's armor, the suit filthy and in pieces, with stains and blood covering most of it.

Jane turned her head to look elsewhere after that. In front of her bed, a few feet away, there was situated a small chair, a someone propped up in it, their head laid against the wall behind the chair. Shepard now becoming cognizant of the sound of somewhat labored breathing coming from the slumbering person in the seat. The darkness of the room momentarily halting Jane from recognizing the person. But quickly after readjusting herself she recognized the person both on the breathing and from their stature, it was Joker.

Upon recognizing the person Jane pulled the sheets off herself and made to get out of her bed. Her body again rocked with pain at her movements, but she stubbornly pushed past the pain as she had grown used to doing countless times. Jane quickly rising from the bed, then slowly and quietly making her way to her Pilot and her good friend. The Commander also noticed another person asleep in her room, as a prone form shifted slightly on the couch in the corner of her room. Jane immediately discerning the person as Garrus, as she caught sight of the Turians' legs. The lights of the room finally activating a second later, as they detected the movement present in the room

The sudden appearance of light caused Joker to stir from his slumber, but the witty pilot immediately froze upon seeing Jane up and awake. But Joker quickly recovered from the sight of Jane, the pilot nearly jumped from his seat, him only being held back by his frail body, though his body language still exuded a mixture of relief and excitement, but also some small part grief.

Once he was up Joker spoke aloud his voice showing clearly his comfort from seeing Jane awake and fine, but his voice also holding a deep sorrow. "Jane! You're Awake! Garrus! She's Awake!" He said looking to the room's other occupant, who immediately sprang from his position.

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