Heralds of Dread

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Angel's Lament

Thank you for tuning in for this chapter of Angel's Lament and I hope I can entertain you with This chapter. And now because I want to be brief I'll just say enjoy...

Chapter 20: Heralds of Dread

Antros stood aboard the bridge of The Angel's Retribution dressed in his specially made armor called the Armor of Remembrance, an ancient suit of Artificer Power Armor made in the ancient forges of Mars during the dark days of the War of the Beast, and recently remade to fit the enlarged frame of a Primaris Astartes. It had served many masters and had seen many even to their deaths but it had always been recovered and rebuilt. Now had a specially made helmet so that Antros's Psychic Hood could still be placed upon his head. The Helm itself was unique, with it looking similar to that of the Sanguinary Guard though it was cast to represent Mephiston's face and not their gene-father. Mephiston's face on the helm was twisted into a hateful roar echoing the rage that had always lay within the honored Chief Librarian.

Antros carried his usual weapon of the blade, Vitarus, its ancient steel blade wreathed in psychic flames, and acted as a conduit for Antros's powers, giving the sword the power to slice through even the thick armor of a Baneblade. Now though he felt that the blade's raw power would be somewhat wasted on such a pitiful foe as the Collectors, but he knew he needed to fight or else he could risk the very purpose for him being in this new galaxy. Antros also carried his favored Plasma Pistol, Angels Light. The ancient pistol renowned for its calm machine spirit that allowed it to have only malfunctioned twice in all records kept on the weapon.

With Antros were the Nikolaus and Dontriel standing by Antros's side as golden wrathful angels ready to smite any who dared stand before them. As well with the Astartes stood a large collection of mortal crew loyal without question to the Chapter, men, and women chosen for their courage and valor making them the exemplar crew for Antros's present mission. Amongst these mortals that Antros trusted was the Lady Admiral of the Sanguine Spirit. Antros had her take temporary command of The Angel's Retribution so that he might allow her to stretch her legs and take on a fight since she had been requesting for such a reassignment.

Currently, The Angel's Retribution was passing swiftly through the warp to where Antros had detected the spirit of the human commander he meant to save. Aboard the mighty Strike Cruiser was the full 4th Company and several of the revered Ancients of the Chapter that had been in the care of the fleet before they were taken away. As well as the fleets complement of heavier warsuits had been requisitioned for their mission as overwhelming force was of utmost importance in their mission. This had meant the Tactical Dreadnought suits had been released and for those without training in the sacred operation of such revered armor their Mark X armor had been reequipped into the Gravis Pattern to allow for heavier protection and firepower.

Antros had briefed the whole 4th company on their mission, the safekeeping of the mortal named Jane Shepard and by proxy the continued well-being of her crew, even the foul Xenos, though they only need be alive if of an undesirable species as their survival was of little concern. While the well being of the human crew was put to a high priority as they were the main reason for Antros's interference as they had earned their protection for aiding in the hunt against the Reapers and their miserable minions.

But for now, the Strike Cruiser sped with utmost haste along the tides of the unnaturally calm warp to where they were needed. As far as Antros could reckon they were now only about an hour's travel from where he had sensed the mortal, meaning now was the time for any final preparations.

Antros turned to the Lady Admiral, her face obscured by pictscreens and hololithic displays that she ran her hands along with an experienced grace. She was old by mortal standards nearing her mid 200's. With the use of rejuvenating treatments, she had managed to keep herself looking a bit younger but Antros had seen countless deaged faces for long enough to tell the signs of when they were older than they appeared.

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