Negotiations With An Angel

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Angel's Lament

Hello and Thank you for tuning into another chapter of Angel's Lament, I hope in reading today's chapter I can entertain you at least in some small way. Now with that all said, let the next chapter commence...

Chapter 14 - Negotiations With An Angel

Antros had spoken with the Eldar two days ago now and he was still unsure what he thought of the whole event. On one hand, they had invaded his mind, and were Eldar, meaning he should trust very little of what they said. While on the other they had seemed truthful at least to Antros's perception, meaning at least something could be taken from what they said. They needed something from him, whether it was as they said and they wished to ensure their survival or some other more nefarious reason, he could at least tell that they needed something from him so he could 'trust' them for as long as he was of use to them. As well when speaking with them after having agreed upon a place to meet they had also allowed Antros to bring as many ships with him as he deemed necessary to ensure he felt like they would not betray him. Which Antros had taken to heart, having assembled the remnants of his original strike fleet, his now flagship a Blood Angel's Strike Cruiser, The Angel's Retribution along with more.

In total Antros had brought 5 ships with him, though he could have spared many more, his flagship, the three Azkellion frigates, and the Emperor class Battleship, Deliverer. Antros had only brought this group in the hopes that the Eldar would be true to their word in bringing only one of their own Battleships. Though Antros had ordered all the ships in his small flotilla to be prepared to make Warp Jumps the instant things went wrong. Though Antros now cursed himself for having been so foolish as to bring still so little. But it was too late now as they were only about three hours away from the meeting point. So with time passing fast Antros moved to be prepared for what was coming. Within the fleet, Antros had spread out the entire Tenth Company. While the honor guard of the Fourth Company were acting as his escort, along with several of his Librarians and his Sanguinary Guards.

Antros was in the hangar with his guards and Artemis, all of them dressed for war and ready for the worst. Antros was dressed in his armor with a few of his armors more decorative pieces such as his golden laurel wreath that signified him as the commander amongst his brethren. The next hours passed slowly as Antros and his accompanying brethren made their last preparations while they waited all of them ensuring their wargear were in prime condition for when they would be needed. Antros himself ran a sacred whetstone against the long blade of Vitarus making sure that each stroke did not scratch the ancient and powerful sword.

Eventually, though they received word from the bridge on what was occurring. The Eldar were where they said they would be and as they had agreed there was only one visible ship. Though Antros knew that they must have several other ships ready to engage them, that must have been cloaked. But Antros at least decided to play along for now in the hope the Eldar weren't lying to him, which he doubted heavily. So Antros gave the order for the fleet to approach peacefully and to halt when the Eldar hailed them.

Finally though after another hour of the Imperial flotilla slowly approaching and then making the necessary calls when the Eldar communicated with them they finally were about to meet the Eldars representatives. They arrived in a single Ghostlance dropship which set down about a hundred yards from Antros and his guards. Quickly after 'landing' their ship a ramp extended from its face a door opening before the ramp hit the deck. After a moment the ship's personnel exited.

First to come out were two Guardians their armor blue and helmets red. Following swiftly after the Guardians came two Farseers, one male and one female. The two were both dressed in exquisitely decorated robes but they were near polar opposites in colors. The male was dressed in light blue robes with silver plain white armor underneath. While the female was clothed in dark red robes with black armor underneath. Though their clothes differed the two walked in lockstep even the swing of their arms synchronized with each other. Following them came four more Guardians and a single Exarch of the Howling Banshees in the middle of them. In all the group that came out was not what Antros had expected to see.

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