Openings on the Horizon, Part II

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Angel's Lament

I would just like to thank you for clicking on my latest chapter before we get started so seriously thank you for reading, as it really helps me seeing so many great people coming around to read my story. With that said I would like to take a quick sec to respond to someone who recently reviewed my story, so if you don't really care about that you can go on ahead and skip to the beginning of the chapter proper. I'm mainly responding to a reviewer named Nix, who found it incredibly stupid that I had the Imperials be willing to consider some of the races in ME as not a threat or even as a possible resource. Firstly I'd like to tell him, though he probably will never see my response, that I prefaced in the first chapter that the Imperials wouldn't be going "PURGE THE XENOS!" as I find a story like that incredibly boring and in my opinion at least kind of stupid. Though I do find certain aspects of that kind of story interesting I personally am bored to death just seeing a story entirely about how the Imperium could shat on anything and everything in any other universe. While yes it is a true fact that 40k is incredibly ridiculous when it comes to its world's events and people I am more interested in other possible avenues that I can explore, as well as I like displaying the last small shreds of kindness left in some denizens of the Imperium. Hence why in this story I'm not having the Imperials go full Black Templar, as well as this is the Blood Angels so that wouldn't have made sense anyway. As well, and I know it might sound stupid, I want to show that even the gruesome and grimdark Imperium can learn to get past its hatreds, at least ones that are completely unfounded. No this does not mean I'll make the Imperials Xeno-lovers but they will be willing and able to learn to accept some of the things in ME. Now with my little rant over and done with let us get into Chapter Eleven of Angels Lament...

Chapter Eleven: Openings on the Horizon, Part II

Joslyn's head was spinning, from a mix of fatigue, adrenaline, dread, and the horrible events of the day. She was still trying to wrap her mind around the Bugmen, but the arrival of the Giants had sent her mind over the edge. Now she was somewhat lost in thought as the world went on around her. From what she could gather after hearing the giant and Kaiden speak to one another, the Giants meant to help them, or so they said. Josyln was finally able to collect some of her thoughts and answered awaiting and nervous Kaiden, as he wished to know what she thought was right to do. Joslyn barely had the power to respond. It wasn't elegant or even in the form of words, it was simply a head nod in the affirmative.

Kaiden quickly nodded to her and looked back at the two Giants giving them permission to approach, but stating they could do so under the condition that they shared every move they planned to make with them. Thereby giving Kaiden, Joslyn and the nurse the power to permit or decline any of their possible actions. The Giants approached slowly, though they crossed the distance between the two groups in only three proportional strides. As they came close Joslyn suddenly felt the fog in her mind begin to lift. The fear and shock were easing. The dreadful thoughts were still there, but their power was somehow dulled, allowing Joslyn a clarity of mind she hadn't felt since the aliens first arrived.

Along with her fears being dismissed she suddenly wasn't as distrustful of the Giants. Something in the recesses of her mind, a voice almost, reassuring her she was in safe company and that no harm would come to them in their presence. Along with the newfound clarity, Joslyn was able to observe more details about the two Giants closest to her. The Blue armored Giant wore upon his helm what looked like an olive branch crown, painted a mix of gold and a mossy green. Joslyn at first mistook it for an actual laurel wreath, but then she quickly saw the metallic glint emanating from it and realized it must have been made from steel or something to that effect.

The White armored Giant's right arm was far bulkier than his left. At the end of his right hand, just below the wrist, there was what looked like a box attached. Protruding from it were two massive implements, one a large syringe and below that a massive buzzsaw.

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