Angels Progress

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Angel's Lament

Hello there dear reader and welcome to another part of Angel's Lament and thank you for taking the time to read my story and this Author's Note. I don't really have anything I think needs to be said but that the Imperials are still in the beginning phases of entering the ME World, and will be for a few more chapters. But now with that little bit out of the way let the Chapter begin!

Chapter Six: Angels Progress

Antros stood within the Stratagem, it was a wonder of technology dating back thousands of years to the Great Crusade. It showed battle reports and logistical statistics and live map feeds. It could show a general a hundred different outcomes for an encroaching battle, or a Warmaster how a war might progress. The Primarchs were known to have spent hundreds of hours in the chambers going over thousands of possible outcomes and circumstances for wars or battles. Antros had known much that had been thought lost had been recovered with the calling of the Indomitus Crusade, but it still baffled him just how much had been relearned. Antros was surrounded by mortal advisors, captains, sergeants, and admirals. They all were talking and discussing strategy around him. But Antros was too lost in his own thoughts to understand them.

In his mind, he went over what was happening and what he needed to do. 'We are still not fully able to move the fleet, most of the vessels are still in desperate need of repairs. We had to scrap the heavily damaged Dauntless vessel Lystra's Grace. That freed up her remaining crew to help assist with the repairs of the others and gave us a plentiful amount of resources to use in the repairs of the other ships. But it's still not enough. At this rate, we will be stuck here doing repairs for another 6 months! That can't happen we need to begin our preparations for war and build some sort of base that we can operate from and retreat to when we need to hide.'

'As powerful as the Sanguine Spirit is we need somewhere we can make a stand on. Preferably on a planet that is close enough to ancient Terra's environment, similar to an Agri-world. There we could set up a base and begin building a refuge for us and those we will have to save. A world out of the reach of the Council and its dogs. I need to get this fleet ready as soon as possible. We are also going to soon have to worry about how we will be able to rearm ourselves. The facilities of the Sanguine Spirit would be hard-pressed to rearm us should we be forced into enough engagements or simply too many prolonged Skirmishes. And how will we be able to replenish our numbers, should any of us fall.'

Antros was drawn from his thoughts by the sound of someone calling his name over the vox speaker attached to the wall. The voice was young and worried. "Commander Antros! We have a report coming in from the Sword ship the Halberd. Her Captain reports that they have sighted possible hostiles."

Antros was instantly alert he bolted towards the door shouting. "Shutters Open!" The metal shutters responded creaking to life as they moved to give him a view back to the command deck of the Sanguine Spirit. Antros stormed into the grand chamber. There were dozens of rows of ensigns and menials working at their assignments fervently getting the star-fort ready. Outside the viewport, Antros saw the blue sheen of the void shields coming online, before disappearing a moment later. Antros rushed up the steps until he finally came to the Command Dias, where the Admiral sat. Her eyes were closed but Antros could see she was awake, her aura was alive with emotions and it swirled around her like a planet orbits a star.

The Admiral quickly opened her eyes when she heard the stomp of Antros's boots approaching her. She turned to meet his gaze her eyes alight with uncertainty. She spoke as Antros came closer, her voice sounding unsure of what she said. "My Lord... the Halberd reports there are ships out in the void. But the thing is, My Lord, they are rogue vessels, Havoc Classes to be specific."

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