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Angels Lament

Chapter 27:

Jane was astonished by what she had seen, though it was only for a few moments it had still happened, she had seen the human side of Lucius, he had seemed so... alien before his voice almost always a plain and uncaring tone. But now she had seen the cracks in his armor, that despite his size, strength and all his other enhancements he was still at heart human and he had a breaking point. But before Jane could try and push to see more of the human within the angel, Lucius was again back to his calm and collected countenance, his face unreadable, and his eyes shining with some strange light.

Jane after that sat down in the strange chair, though it was built more like a throne, Jane indicating for her companions to do like her. But before Garrus and Tali could even lay a hand on the back of a chair an Angel's rough and coarse voice rang through the room. Jane looking to see the Red Armored Angel who sat next to Lucius was speaking. "The Xenos will not deface these seats with their taint, or our meeting will be closed."

Jane bit back a retort, and instead looked at her two friends and gave them a small and displeased nod to do as they were told. Garrus and Tali moved to stand just behind Jane and the giant chair she occupied. Tali seemed the most hurt by Angel's words, her eyes, which usually were lit with curiosity and wonder were now dark. Shepherds heart feeling for her dear friend.

Once Tali and Garrus were done moving Antros again spoke, the Lord Commander giving another sort of opening talk. "I will begin our council. I understand you have little knowledge of us Commander Shepard and that makes us hard to believe or trust. Where our places reversed I know I would have been unwilling to believe the council of ones such as yourself. But you must know this, Commander Shepard, we do not deceive you with our words or with our actions. All we are doing is what we must to ensure our mission of saving this galaxy is achieved. Know then that for as long as you and your worlds are in danger that you may trust me and my brethren and what we tell you."


Antros and Jane spoke for a while longer about trust, Jane expressing that how could she trust Lucius and his brothers if she knew next to nothing about them. Antros took this and responded telling Jane that she had as much knowledge of his people and himself as she needed to. Telling her as well that she would be allowed to learn more in time but that Antros had other more important things to do and that in keeping his secrets he ensured their enemy the Reapers knew next to nothing about them. Jane reluctantly accepted this as at least an answer.

Shepard, after having the question festering within her for some time now finally let herself ask her most important question, worrying and hints of despair evident in her voice. "How is Kaiden? I wasn't able to learn anything from the nurse you assigned to me other than that he's been under medical care."

It was the Angel in white armor who responded, once Antros nodded to him, this Angel's voice was sweet like honey but had an almost wild edge to it, though Jane could not be sure. "Your companion Is being seen to by my master and the head of our order Sanguinary Priest Albinus who has assured me before our meeting that should he be given enough time to operate and enough time to grow new limbs then Alenko should be fine."

Jane held back her relief just enough so she didn't burst into tears, but she still let out a heavy and grateful sigh, Jane saying immediately after. "Thank you."

Antros spoke again, his voice more serious and his face far grimmer. "I would now wish to discuss another topic with you Commander Shepard, one that may have ramifications felt by untold millions on your worlds and on all others. In this, I have a few challenges I must ask you." Antros's face grew darker and his eyes seemed to glow as he spoke, each question being given a moment after to let it set within Jane fully. "Will you have what it takes to unite your galaxies people behind you? Will you be able to make the decisions of galactic importance? Do you have the willpower and strength to see the ones you love torn apart by monsters? Will you have what it takes to send thousands of living beings and to their deaths for a barely worthy victory? Or worse, will you have the strength to send those beings to their death so simply halt the enemy long enough to ensure you are able to retreat? I do not ask you to answer this now Commander but you must think on them, as the weight of the galaxy may well rest on your ability to decide what to do in these moments where such decisions will arise."

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