Angels Run

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Angels Lament

Hello, this is a story I've always wanted to do. This Story takes place during the latter days of the Indomitus Crusade. Which yes I know the Warhammer Community aren't the most enthusiastic lovers of the Indomitus Crusade but it's what got me into the game so I for one like it because it's what I was first exposed to when I found out about 40k, through the total war game for Fantasy. Sorry I've digressed back to the point at hand. This Story will be about 3 companies of Blood Angels (All Primaris) and the remainder of the Lamenters chapter (one company-ish, for the story there shall only be about 50 of them left that are fully alive. Also primarily Primaris except their older Dreadnoughts), and their exploits into the Mass Effect world. First off I want to clarify something, the Astartes will not go full-on kill all Xenos because I feel like that's been done to hell and back already. This Fic is also heavily inspired by Gabenator5's story "The Unknown Defender" and a fair bit from "Hammerhand" and it's sequel. But don't worry I'm gonna try and do my own thing. Also, this story will contain some OC's and canon characters from the books and games. This is also inspired by the 40k books about Mephiston, if you haven't read those, you most likely haven't, they are really good and informative for what I'm having happen in and before this Chapter takes place. But I'll try to not make reading the books a requirement. Also, no Antros is not a self-insert, he's from the books. I simply named my account after him because I liked his character and it was a quick name I could use. Now, this all said let the Chapter begin...

Chapter One: Angels Run

Much had changed in the last 100 years of Antros's life. He had joined the Blood Angels and even crossed the Primaris Rubicon(It's what Space Marines call ascending to become a Primaris Marine when you were originally a 'normal' Astartes). But the biggest of all was the death of his teacher, Mephiston. The Chief Librarian Mephiston, conqueror of the Black Rage, and near unmatched Psyker, was dead. He had died as he had dreamed, killing two of the worst plights upon the Milky Way Galaxy. He had managed to unleash The Gift and the Blade Petrific, upon the Lord of Change Cyros and the Bloodthirster Ka'Bandha finally putting a permanent end to the two Greater Daemons of Chaos. The battle had been fierce and when the smoke had finally cleared the two Daemons lay slain, but Mephiston in the act was left horribly injured, his armor and body both bent and cracked beyond repair. In his final moments, Mephiston had told Antros and Rhacelus who he wished to succeed him. To both of their collective shock, he had said that Antros was to take the rank of Chief Librarian. Rhacelus had simply said back to his lifelong friend, "As you wish it, My Brother." Thus Mephiston died and Antros was later named the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels Chapter and Gaius Rhacelus would be his equerry and advisor. It had been many years passed, well over 70 years since then, but the image of the dying Mephiston was still burned into Antros's brain. The Chapter had taken the death of Mephiston to heart especially since with his sacrifice the Black Rage and those afflicted could be healed. With the death of the accursed Daemon who had caused the Rage in the first place, the Rage itself could be cured in those who were not yet affected by it and those that weren't. This all compounded with the successes of Belisarius Cawl with the new Primaris Space Marines meant that the chapter and her successors were now all but free from the 'Flaws' and their restraints.

Now many years later since these events, Antros stood on the bridge of the Blood Angels Ramilles class Star-Fort the Sanguine Spirit. It and two sister Star-Forts had been given to the Blood Angels by Roboute Guilliman, with their attending crews, after he had saved them from Hive Fleet Leviathan. With them, the reborn Blood Angels had cut a mighty swath through the Xenos and traitor forces in Imperium Nihilus. Even with her though they had been outmatched in their most recent engagement against the Red Corsairs and their Blackstone Fortress. The Blood Angels Strike Force had been mobilized to aid the Lamenters in their quest for vengeance against the once Astral Claws (now Red Corsairs) for what they had tricked the Lamenters into doing during the Badab War. the Lamenters had been blinded by their hunger for retribution and been cornered into a trap by the Red Corsairs. One they wouldn't have lived through if the Sanguine Spirit and her accompanying Battle Cruisers hadn't shown up. Antros had quickly ordered the attack upon the Red Corsairs Flotilla. They would have been pulverized by the collective fire if it weren't for what happened next. Suddenly the Astral Claws Blackstone Fortress had appeared, pulling itself free of warp space and into the Materium firing all of its weapon batteries into the escorts of the Sanguine Spirit, killing many of them. The Imperial battle group which had once numbered over 100 ships now only had a remaining 18 vessels. Two weakened Battleships, three heavily damaged Battle Cruisers, one Lamenters Battle Barge in moderate condition, one Strike Cruisers of the Lamenters, one Strike Cruiser of the Blood Angels, three Dauntless Light Cruisers, three Gladius vessels, three Azkaellon frigates, and one solitary Sword class.

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