Angels Wrath Part II

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Angel's Lament

Hello and Welcome Back to Angel's Lament! Something I have meant to say for quite some time now but have kept forgetting to say is this, it has to do with Biotics and the way I use them. I will try to stay mainly on how they are presented and used in-game but I will make exceptions to that if I want to make something happen, like you will see and have seen in previous chapters.

Chapter 22: Angels Wrath Part II

They moved through the first few chambers in tense silence, at least the Normandy's remaining crew did, Jane couldn't say much for her present escorts. The 'Angels' as ever were stoic and efficient in how they acted, not seeming to be held to normal human emotions like worry or dread like Jane and her whole team were. It was strange being in their presence, their constant companionship somehow both forgettable but also unavoidable, as though they were some ethereal entity in her midst and not just fellow soldiers accompanying her to an objective. It was somewhat off-putting but Jane was able to deal with it pretty well, though the same could not be said for everyone.

Jane could tell a few of the present crew were entirely unnerved by their companions but that they were too afraid to do or say anything about it. Some were subtler than others, with Kasumi able to keep her only sign being her occasional sideways glance at the nearest Angel. While others like Zaeed were becoming nearly entirely overwhelmed by the new company, the Bounty Hunter seemed to watch every Angel all at once in his best attempt to map out an escape route. This brought a small smirk to Jane's lips, if at least only for a second before reality came back into focus and all that had happened recently took its hold again on her mind.

They were now in another large corridor that was nearly the same as the last being made with the same nasty biological substance as all the rest of the ship was. To make things worse the whole ship itself had a pungent odor, it was hard to describe but it was almost like a musk hanging in the air, one that spelled dread and loss for those in contact with it. This foul smell and the dark atmosphere of the ship weighed in Jane's mind pressing harder on her already taxed nerves. She knew inside that she was becoming unnerved but her desperation to save Kaiden outweighed her rationality.

After passing through another few corridors with the same silence continuing, finally, someone broke the silence, but it was not who Jane had expected, it was the Chaplain Effriel. His voice was calm like a gentle breeze yet it contained a cheerfulness in it that was nearly contagious. "Take Heart, Mortals, For My Brothers and I stand with you in these dark times, and with our aid, you shall see your companions saved from these foul creatures and their dark plots thwarted."

The Chaplain's words had some effect on the team, though mainly to Alexandra, Jacob, and Joslyn. The more cynical of the group were less aided than the rest, with Miranda focusing more on what she could uncover from the words than how they were truly intended. Jane was able to take some comfort from the Chaplain's words, though she couldn't help but think about how with each second that past was another second the Collectors had to do something horrible to Kaiden and the rest of her crew.

Jane's thoughts were suddenly pulled out from under her as new sounds filled her ears, those of concentrated gunfire and the shrieking of Collectors.


They had finally arrived at where Terminator Squad Beltos had halted in their advance to the processing pens.

Antros had been able to hear the noise of his brothers battling for a few minutes but now it seemed the Mortals could hear it based on how they all collectively flinched and held tighter to their weapons. Chaplain Effriel had attempted to calm them when he had heard the noise but it seemed to have only affected the more faithful of the group. But this all mattered very little, what did matter was their entrance into the fight.

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