Angel's Wrath Part I

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Angel's Lament

Hello and thank you for joining me in this next chapter of Angel's Lament. I hope you are doing well and that if you are or you sadly aren't reading my story will at the very least entertain you. A quick note about this chapter it is long and about ⅓ through it becomes mainly about dialogue, But I promise next chapter won't I just had to get the talking out of the way for my sake and for the sake of what I'm setting up for next time. Now with my ranting and raving done enjoy...

Chapter 21: Angel's Wrath Part I

Shepard has met death once already and she had been prepared to meet it again, but then something happened. Something that shook the world around her like a Hurricane and Earthquake combined. Knocking Jane to the floor still half-blind and deaf by all that had happened.

Then just as Shepard was finally beginning to recover from her shock a voice roared through the room, like that of the Creature, but this voice was entirely different. It was powerful like the Creatures' voice but this voice possessed anger and wrath and it seemed like the roar of a mighty Lion pronouncing his dominion in an unknown language.

"Nequitiæ sunt in nomine Imperatoris mori!"

Then the Voice yelled again a moment later though it was now in English. "Leave these Mortals Alone In the Emperor's name!"

When Shepard heard the voice say 'Mortal' her mind slowly became aware of who the voice belonged to. It was an 'Angel's voice though it was now projected from speakers based on its volume.

Along with the yelling of the 'Angel', Shepard felt constant booming from what she assumed was the floor and waves of heat on her face. She also could lightly hear what sounded like more roaring from beings similar to Lucius, as well as the death shrieks of Collector Drones. But she could barely tell as her senses were still reeling from before.

After what felt like an eternity to Jane, she began to regain her senses fully, her eyes finally beginning to see straight, and her mind finally able to tell what was going on at least a little.

Shepard was prone on the ground behind the crate she had used as cover, her face past the threshold allowing her to look where the Collectors had been storming from. What Shepard saw in front of her was the Wrath of Angels against the Collectors, Shepard now seeing why people had described seeing them fight like they were divine.

The Angels were armed to the teeth with weapons Jane had never seen, enormous under-arm slung machineguns, Bulky dual-barreled guns, massive shotguns, and giant Gatling cannons. Each weapon fired rounds that destroyed the Collectors like they were mere vermin, arrayed against the might of Demi-Gods brought to banish them back to the depths.

The Angels were dressed in different armor than Shepard had seen before as well, most wearing gigantic suits that made them nearly 10 feet in height. Those dressed in that armor moved slowly but with a strange grace in their movements as they swept their weapons around the Collectors who charged at them like lemmings to their death. Other Angels were dressed in armor that was somewhat smaller making them only stand 9 feet but they still dealt the same crushing damage to the Collectors.

there was a commonality with all of the Angels one she had seen hinted at when she first encountered them. A hint she had blatantly ignored for the preposterousness of it. They were using melee weapons, not even on occasion when a Collector drew to close but as their primary weapon in some cases. Many of the Angels charging into the fray with blades held high ready to crash down on the Collectors that attempted to attack them.

Though the Angels were slowed by their massive armor they moved like an unstoppable wave crashing down upon the ground. their might was so overwhelming the Collectors were even being put to flight at their onslaught. the frenzied creatures scurrying to the exits like cockroaches exposed to light. But the Angels gave no mercy to their foes following them with roared words in their bizarre and unknowable language.

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