Angel's Wrath Part I

Start from the beginning

The Creature that had tried to kill Shepard and her team was now absent as his troops fled from the Angels. but this was something Shepard barely noticed as the spectacle of the Angels took almost all her attention. They were truly beyond humans from all they were doing, as even slowed by their giant armor they fought with such power and conviction that the Collectors had been outmatched a thousand times over, even with their overwhelming numbers.

Finally after the last of the Collectors fled the room, or lay in pieces on the floor, the Angels slowed their fighting. With several of the massive warriors taking formation around the door the Collectors had scampered through and aiming their weapons into the dark void that was the corridor beyond. Other Angels turned and began to patrol the room, though they seemed to ignore Shepard and her team.

Finally, after another moment of collecting herself, Shepard was able to push herself off the floor, where she began to check on the rest of her squad in the hopes of seeing how they had fared with all that had happened. Some part of her wanted to instead try and speak to the Angels but she knew the safety of her crew had to be her first priority.

As she got to her feet, she found the rest of her team also trying to regain their composure and their strength. Especially Jack who still seemed to be in and out of consciousness from her earlier displays of Biotic might. Shepard herself also felt the drain her use of Biotics had cost her, as her limbs sluggishly responded to each of her commands.

Jane finally spoke aloud, though she tried to keep her voice down in the hopes only her squad members would hear her. "What's everyone's condition?"

It was easy for Shepard to already tell most of their conditions but she still felt the need to ask. Jacob and Samara were the least affected of all the Biotics. Jacob mainly because of his relative restraint when using his biotic abilities and Samara on account of her well-conditioned use of them. While others were not drained by biotics they had still been somewhat terrified by the monstrous horde that had meant to kill them only a matter of a few minutes ago. Individuals like Joslyn and Alexandra both being somewhat visually shaken at all that had happened. Then others like Mordin seemed to have been completely unaffected based on the way the Scientist had already begun jotting notes down in his omnitool.

Some of the squad gave simple responses, Jacob, Samara, and Joslyn giving simple nods as an answer. While others like Miranda and Alexandra gave more saying something of their condition. The former being exhausted from her use of Biotics earlier and the latter stating her worries for Jack and Miranda's wellbeing as they had both been the worst affected by their use of Biotics. The latter of the two propped up against the crate they used as cover and her skin looking paler than was even remotely healthy. Alexandra doing her best to try and see to the Cerberus Operative in her drained state.

Mordin though had now changed what he was doing, the Salarian Scientist now looking after Jack and attempting to perform a rudimentary medical analysis so he would know how to help, or even if he could. Shepard continued to look over her squad in the hopes of keeping her mind occupied and in the slight hope, it would return her to some state of normalcy. Joslyn had now mainly recovered and was now attempting to help Alexandra in caring for Miranda. While Jacob and Samara continued to watch the Angels. The former with a basic military observation as to keep an eye on them. While the latter was watching them almost like a bizarre accident that she hated but could not look away from for fear of missing what they would do next that she felt violated some form of her code.

Samara had been quite vocal upon finding out the nature of the Angels, she despised them, they were abominations in her eyes beings tortured into monsters by some horrid master that held to none of her Justicar Codes. Others had tried to talk to her but she had heard none of it and she always stated her mind was made upon the matter of the Angels, and that she saw them as only criminals who had violated her people's codes and would pay for their transgressions, eventually. She even now still continued to hold this belief and she did nothing to hide her loathing of the Angels even with how their intervention had literally saved her and the rest of the crew.

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