Heralds of Dread

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For example the wrinkles on either side of her eyes were too bunched up to have occurred at her perceived age. Then another sign that gave it away almost immediately to Antros was her skin's look in general, after extensive rejuvenat treatments a person's skin began to take on a near rubber-like quality that was both observable and detectable through touch.

All of these signs and more were seen clearly on her though still despite these abnormal marks she seemed regal and dignified like her station called for. As Antros observed the Lady Admiral he took several steps towards her doing little to soften his footsteps as to make it clear of his approach. Just as the Chief Librarian came up to the side of her chair was when she finally noticed him. The Lady Admiral, through her neural links and cables, commanded her Hololith displays away and deactivated her pictscreens a moment, then after completing this she looked to Antros, her face neutral but her Aura showing her desire to hear what Antros desired.

Antros wasted no time saying in an ordered and calm voice. "Are all of the weapon battery crews in position?"

The Lady Admiral responded quickly, her tone dignified and her voice that of a born officer. "Of course, Commander."

Antros then asked, "What of the Nova Cannon and the Shark Assault Boats? Are they prepped as well?"

The Lady Admiral nodded and said her voice unable to disguise her pride she felt at having already prepared such measures. "Indeed My Lord. And I have also prepared the Thunderhawk Squadron for when our forces need to be retrieved." As she finished her lip turned up a little.

Antros nodded and asked his final question, keeping his same tone. "What about the Bombardment Cannon is it ready to fire when we reenter into realspace?"

This question seemed to catch the Lady Admiral somewhat by surprise, her smile fading quickly, but she caught herself almost immediately and said in a somewhat questioning tone. "Are you sure about using a planetary bombardment class weapon on an alien vessel is an efficient use of our supplies?"

Antros understood the Admiral's reluctance to use heavy arms like a Bombardment Cannon but he quickly spoke reaffirming his desire to use such superior arms against a lesser foe. "Yes, I am sure in my conviction to use it, I know it may be a waste but I wish to send a clear message to the Reapers, one of a challenge to their self-perceived superiority to lesser beings like mankind. I wish to show them the error in such beliefs and I wish to show them true power."

The Lady Admiral still seemed hesitant but a small flame had been kindled in her, a desire to show the strength their fleet possessed in its ranks. Antros smirked behind his mask, a pride lit in his chest at the spirit of those who followed him, and a desire within himself to show them that their faith was not misplaced.


The Normandy had barely made it to the Collector Base as the holes from when the Collectors had assaulted her weakened her hull and caused the ship to need constant overwatch so that she stayed on her correct route as the ship's systems were still mainly scrambled from the Collectors Cyber Attacks. EDI had been doing her best to correct the errors but there was only so much she could do as other matters developed.

Shepard and the others still able to fight had quickly left the Normandy, leaving a few of the more heavily wounded to defend the ship while they desperately tried to catch up and save their friends and loved ones who had been taken when the Collectors had kidnapped the everyone on the Crew level. Among those taken were Kaiden, Garrus, Tobi, , Elizabeth, being the most notable to Shepard and her present company.

With Shepard rushing to save those taken were Mordin, Jack, Jacob, Miranda, Samara, Zaeed, Grunt, Alexandra, and Joslyn. The latter had been devastated after her son had found out her son was taken but her anger seemed to pale compared to Shepards. Jane was now spearheading the squad's infiltration of the Collector Base. Though Shepard wished she could split the team to force the Collectors to diverge their forces she also knew she couldn't afford to allow them to split up they had to try and muscle their way through to the main control room.

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