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"Am I the only one who cares that those dark clouds are coming closer?" You questioned, pointing at a huge grey cumulonimbus. Jimmy walked out to see what you meant, and nearly jumped out of his skin when lightning flashed inside the cloud.

"W-why are we out here when there's about to be a storm?" He asked nervously. He looked at you. "Isn't it dangerous to sail in storms?"

"The bigger question is: why are we out here at all?" You deadpanned, seasickness making you slightly grumpy. "I hate boats, you hate literally any animal that could hurt you, Aviva and Koki have to care for a couple of wild cats, and I'm pretty sure Martin and Chris aren't planning on swimming in poisonous/venomous creature-infested waters."

As you said that, your brothers ran to the edge of the boat wearing scuba gear and dove in. You sighed as they came back to the surface, laughing. They looked at you.

"What's wrong, W.C.?" Martin asked you, using a nickname Koki recently came up with. W.C. is basically how they distinguished you, Wild Cat, from the real wild cats. You cleared your throat and started counting on your fingers as you spoke.

"Fire coral, lionfish, stingrays, sharks, sea urchins, jellyfish, sea snakes..." You listed off. Jimmy seemed more and more nervous the more you said. You thought for a moment, then pointed at the clouds. "Oh yeah, also the oncoming storm."

"Relax, (____)!" Chris told you, smiling. You stared at him. "Nothing's gonna happen!"

As he said that, it started to rain. Your brothers quickly got out of the water, and Martin gave Chris an unamused look as Aviva came over with towels.

"You had to jinx it." He muttered, walking inside while trying himself off. Aviva stared after him in confusion.

"What was that?" She questioned. You and Chris shrug, neither of you understanding the sudden bad mood. Yeah, you're not really a fan of the ocean, and Chris prefers trees, but Martin?

The storm only seemed to get worse, so you went and hid inside. Chris came and found you laying down, face buried in a pillow and a blanket covering your entire body. The movement of the boat was making you dizzy.

"I'm sure it'll be over soon." Your older brother assures you. Thunder rumbles outside, and you cringe. Not even an hour ago, it was perfect weather. But, nobody listened to your weather prediction and here you were.

Claws pricked your shoulder, and you felt the animal shaking. You quickly pulled Clover under the blanket, and she snuggled up to you. You tried to get her and Lucky to go back to the Tortuga, but the wild cat refused to leave your side. Meanwhile Lucky was really excited and wouldn't get off the boat once he got on it.

The boat suddenly tilted so far sideways you fell out of the bed and hit the wall. Clover slammed into you, then the boat went back upright and you both slid to the floor. Chris, who grabbed the edge of the bed to hold himself up, ran over to you and helped you up. Both of you looked out the window in alarm at the high waves. You nervously went and got your creature power suit back on, in case you needed to transform quickly.

"Is everyone alright?" Aviva asked from outside the room. You opened the door, which had slammed shut, and nodded to her. Clover nervously rubbed against your legs. You noticed a red spot on Aviva's forehead, likely from falling and hitting her head on something.

"Where's Martin?" Chris asked. The ship tipped again, cutting off Aviva from saying anything.

"Grab on to something, everyone!" Jimmy called from where he was wrestling with the boat's controls. "This is gonna be rough!"

The boat tipped further, then flipped. You, Aviva, and Chris fell to the roof.

You froze as you felt water under you. While you were in the cabin. Water is not supposed to be inside the boat. You should not be on the boat while there's water inside it.

"(____)!" Chris said, catching your attention. You looked at him, internally panicking. "We have to get out of here!"

You ran toward the door, taking a breath before pulling it open. Water rushed in, knocking you over. Your older brother grabbed you and pulled past the water flow into the open water. You swam quickly out from under the boat and poked your head out of the water. You barely got a breath before you were plunged into the deep. You felt something hit your hand, and reluctantly opened your eyes just enough to spot a shark.

You used one hand to pull a power disc for the creature from your pocket, then activated it. You scared away the shark, but now you were safe. You took a relieved breath, then swam over to Jimmy, who was struggling under the boat. You about scared the life out of him, but he grabbed onto you and you swam him to the surface.

When you looked over, you saw Koki using one arm to hold onto Chris in a whale power suit. Her other arm held Lucky close to her chest. Martin was in a shark suit as well, and Aviva was clinging to him and cuddling Clover.

You spotted land, and quickly started swimming toward it. You deactivated, and Jimmy dragged you to your feet and pulled you toward a forest. You just followed him, shaking from the cold and the rather traumatic experience.

You noticed a large hollow tree, and grabbed Jimmy's arm to pull him to it. The tree could barely count as shelter, but it was better than nothing. You curled up as far from Jimmy as you could get and closed your eyes.

Hours later, it was as sunny as if the storm had never occured. You walked out of the woods, J.Z. close behind you. When you got to the sandy beach, you stopped in your tracks.

Stretching out before you was a vast expanse of deep, blue water, without a spot of land in sight. Waves lapped gently at the shore, and the view was almost enough to make you forget your predicament. Then you looked over, and saw a completely wrecked boat. Several of Aviva's gadgets were scattered over the beach, and some wood from the boat's deck was half-buried in sand.

"Well.... That's not good...." You muttered, realizing there way basically no chance of getting everyone back to the mainland safely.

To be continued in book 2...

(A/n: Yep! A random burst of inspiration pushed me to make a book 2! Merry Christmas!)

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