New Creature Powers

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You ran across the ground then jumped over a high up branch. You landed on the ground on the other side and rolled back into a run. Then you jumped over another branch and touched down right on a painted white X on the floor.

"Got it." Aviva said. She had been testing your abilities and scanning your movements. She was really set on trying to figure out why you were so good at running and jumping. You heard a very, very quiet footstep behind you. Whoever was creeping up on you was downwind, so you could smell them. The scent of the ocean mixed with a crisp winter breeze wafted towards you.

"Hi, Martin." You said without turning around. You heard a gasp of surprise and turned around.

"But how did you know?" Martin asked you. You shrugged and smiled at him. Someone grabbed you from behind, and now you jumped. You turned around, and saw Chris laughing hysterically.

"Oh yeah, that was so funny I forgot to laugh." You said with sarcasm dripping from your voice. Both of your older brothers laughed harder. You rolled your eyes and went to talk to Aviva about the test results.

(Martin and Chris POV)

Martin found it hilarious that Chris caught (____) by surprise, even if he didn't. As much fun as it was to at least try to scare (____), Martin wondered what Chris did that he didn't...

Chris wasn't even trying to scare (____), he just wanted to talk to them. But he did notice that Martin came up on one side, and he did on another. As Chris was thinking about it, the breeze blew in his face.

Could it have been the wind? He wondered. Chris decided to ask (____) about it. He was just hoping they would be willing to talk after he scared them.

(reader and Chris POV)

"This is going to be hard to figure out, but I like a challenge." Aviva said. You nodded, and both of you watched the video over and over. You heard someone walk over, and smelled morning dew mixed with pine tree.

"Hey, Chris." You said flatly.

Chris came up to you from downwind on purpose, as a test to see if it was something to do with that. Apparently it was.

You looked back at Chris, and he gestured for you to follow him. Without saying anything, you walked with him into the woods. After a while, Chris stopped.

"Why are we out here?" You asked, still not in a very good mood. Chris sat down on a log on the ground.

"I didn't mean to scare you." He said. You looked at him with slight confusion.

"I just wanted to talk to you about your special skills, but I guess I came in from the wrong side." He said. He remembered the question he wanted to ask you.

"Do you have any other special abilities, besides running and jumping?" He asked. The question caught you by surprise, but you nodded.

"Yeah. I also have sensitive hearing." You said. Chris raised an eyebrow at you.

"No way that's all. How do you know who we are before you even look?" He asked. You looked away from Chris in embarrassment.

"Promise you won't think I'm weird?" You asked him. He nodded, and you sighed.

"I can also kind of, um," You said awkwardly. Chris just nodded and shrugged. He already guessed that, but wanted to confirm it.

You were glad he didn't really mind your strong senses. When you were at the orphanage, kids called you weird. You smiled at Chris and jumped up into the tree above you. Chris stood up and looked at where you disappeared to. You hung upside down, grabbed his arms, and pulled him up next to you.

"Hey!" He said. Before he could find out where you were, you swung him up to the next branch and disappeared again. Now, he waited. The next time you tried it, he grabbed you and pulled you down next to him. You fake pouted, then laughed. Chris laughed with you.

(reader POV)

The branch shook suddenly, and Chris lost his balance. You grabbed his hand just before he fell and held on. You were about to lose your grip when another set of hands pulled Chris back into the tree. You looked next to you and saw Martin standing there.

"What happened to swimming?" You asked sarcastically. Martin shrugged.

"We both know how to climb along with swim-" Martin started.

"-Or swim along with climb!" Chris added. Martin laughed at his little brother's eagerness.

"Or that. But it's just you that can't swim!" He finished. You crossed your arms and glared at him.

"I can swim, too!" You protested. You remembered what happened at the lake.

"I just don't like boats." You said. Chris nodded, and Martin crossed his arms and smirked at you.

"Then prove it." He said. You looked over at him.

"Prove what?" You asked. You didn't like where this was going.

"We are near a slow moving river. Why not go for a swim?" He said. You didn't really like to go in the water, but you did want to prove to Martin you weren't afraid of it.

"Okay. Let's go!" You said. You, Chris, and Martin were about to run off, but Aviva pulled in front of you with her hover bike.

"Hey. I finished your gear." Aviva said. She shoved a bright red power suit and a pair of matching gloves in your arms. She also handed you a few power discs.

"Thanks, Aviva!" You said. Chris walked up and put a hand on your shoulder.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Try them on!" He said. You slipped on the power suit and gloves, to find they fit perfectly.

"Awesome." You said. Chris was happy because you were happy, and Aviva nodded in approval. Then she zoomed off.

You looked through the power discs. There was a sunfish, a mountain lion, and a red-shouldered hawk disc. You put them back in their case and put the case in your pocket.

"If your done looking at stuff, we have a river to get to!" Martin said. You nodded and ran ahead of them.

After waiting by the river for five minutes, Chris and Martin ran through the bushes, panting.

"We know you're fast... but.. don't leave us behind!" Chris said between breaths. Martin caught his breath quickly, then jumped into the deepest part of the river. You looked into the river, and Martin popped up and splashed you.

"Come on in! The water's fine!" He said. You were about to jump in, but remembered your power suit.

"Uh, this thing is water proof, right?" You asked. Both brothers nodded. You looked at a branch overhanging the water and got an idea. You climbed the tree and jumped into the water from the branch.

While you were underwater, you saw a little sunfish swim by. You pulled out the disc, and did what you saw the brothers do all the time. You slid the disk in place, touched the fish, and pressed the activation button. The suit glowed, and soon you were in a fish power suit.

"Now this is more like it!" You said to yourself. You saw Martin looking for you with his head underwater. You waited until he pulled his head back up, then swam up to the surface and used your tail to splash his face.

You deactivated, and Martin swam backwards rapidly as you popped your head above the water. You splashed Martin again, and Chris was still on shore, laughing.

"I told you I can swim." You said to Martin. Martin laughed and splashed you back. Your little water war went on until you got a call from Aviva.

"Hey, Wild Cat." She said. When you had first gotten here, Martin and Chris had told everyone your nickname. Now the whole team called you that every once in a while.

"How does the power suit work?" Aviva asked you. You smiled.

"Like a dream." You said. Aviva nodded in approval.

"Great! Now, get back here, we have animals to search for!" She said. She hung up, and you splashed Martin one last time before going back to shore.

From there, you, Martin and Chris raced home.

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