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"Aah!" You cried out, startled, as a small brown package appeared in front of you. The others had just finished explaining the situation to you. Aviva, Chris, and Martin gathered around it.

"What the-" Chris started.

"Special delivery!" Martin shouted excitedly. Aviva carefully opened it to reveal her creature power suit and discs. She grinned happily and slipped on her suit. Her expression quickly changed.

"But there's no point in the creature power suits if there aren't any creatures!" She said dejectedly. You sighed sadly.

The orphanage was better than this. You thought angrily. Then a plan started forming in your mind. A couple hours later, Zach came in to bring you to the work room. While you were walking out, you casually brushed past Zach. You swept a foot out so you would stumble over Zach's shoe. When you had your balance, you saw him glaring at you.

"Watch it, Wild Ratt!" He yelled. You nodded, and kept going. Martin slowed down to walk next to you.

"What was that?" He asked curiously. You just smiled and hid the item you swiped from Zach's pocket.

That night, you stared down at the treasure you'd gained from your little act. A small golden key. You slowly and quietly unlocked the cage and crept out. Your footsteps made no noise as you stealthily walked down the hall. Then you snuck into the security room, careful not to alert the zachbot in the room. Even in sleep mode, it was terrifying. You smiled and shut down the cameras in the ship.

After you were done with that, you quickly went back to the ship and stopped at a window. You were on the ground. Good. You went to the ship's door and pressed a button next to it. The door opened with a whooshing sound. You could barely keep from laughing as you nudged Martin and Chris awake.

(Aviva POV)

Aviva blinked awake to see a big grin on Martin's face. (____) was standing a few feet away from the cage. Wait a second. Aviva blinked again and stared. The cage door was wide open. (____) gestured for Martin and Aviva to follow them, Chris was already by their side. Aviva went with the others, and gaped at the open door. A nighttime breeze wafted through, and Aviva didn't think she'd ever felt something so wonderful. (____) pressed a button, and it started to close. They ran through with Chris and Martin at their heels. Aviva smiled and sprinted after them, getting outside just as the door closed.

(Yeah, this is a pretty short chapter, but I'll update as soon as possible. I've had a lot to do lately, so my schedule is weird. Sorry everyone.)

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