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Welcome, Aviva

Entry 47, May 24, 2019

(____) doesn't seem to be responding to anything. The only thing we can see a change in is they seem to be having nightmares. They will move around and occasionally groan. It worries me. What if (____) never wakes up?

If you're coming, Koki and J.Z., please hurry!


(Reader's POV)

You were standing in darkness. You took a look around you, and spotted Martin and Chris a couple yards away. You started running towards them, relieved to see familiar faces. Suddenly, Zach came and hit them with the same electricity gun he hit you with. You watched in horror as both of your brothers fell to the ground.

This has to be a dream. You told yourself. You realized that you were right. The image in front of you dissolved and you were left in darkness again. You figured that if you were dreaming, you would be able to wake up.

You tried pinching yourself, but to no avail. You punched yourself in the stomach with no response. You tried opening your eyes in the real world, and realized that it felt like it was working. You kept trying.


(Chris POV)

It was day two of being trapped, and Chris wasn't surprised when Zach came in. The villain was grinning evilly, and he looked like he was holding back a laugh.

He's really lost it. Chris thought, giving Varmitech a death glare.

"Come on, Wild Ratts!" Zach said, almost happily. Martin, Chris, and Aviva reluctantly stepped out of the cage. Zach watched. "Now follow me."

The three Wild Kratts gloomily followed the villain through the hall, knowing there wasn't much they could do. Eventually, they came up to a room filled with Zachbots and animals working at conveyor belts and tables.

"Those poor gorillas!" Martin exclaimed unhappily. Chris watched as his brother tried to get to them, but the Zachbots held him back. "You can't do this!"

"But I have!" Zach said with the same strange tone. It was like he was happy, but not. "And now you will join your animal friends!"


(Martin POV)

Martin, Chris, and Aviva trudged back to their cell late at night, tired from being forced to work on carrying very heavy objects from one place to another. Martin would have made a run for it if he had the energy and if there weren't Zachbots escorting the three back to the prison.

"I can't believe this happened!" He said when they got back to the cage.

"I just wanted to go on a hike!" Chris complained. But Chris never complains. Yet more proof that this impacts him more than anyone. Martin glanced over at (____). They seemed to be tossing and turning more than usual.

Martin really hoped they were okay.


(Reader's POV + time jump)

You could hear your brothers talking, and you were concerned. You kept trying to get yourself to wake up, but you just couldn't. You came up with an idea. Perhaps you could scare yourself awake?

You thought of your greatest fear. Next thing you knew, you were back in the rain forest, when you were searching for the draco lizard. You watched as Chris started falling, and you went through the routine again. You tied the vine to yourself and jumped.

The moment you were looking for arrived. Your hand got closer and closer to Chris's, and then you missed your chance to grab him. It you watched as he hit the mud, and you were still falling. The scene switched to you falling very fast, and when you were about to hit solid concrete...

Your eyes shot open and the first thing you saw was the dark grey ceiling through metal bars. You sat up very slowly, and very painfully. You winced at the pain going through your entire body. 

You looked around, but no one was in the room. Nor was anyone in the cage with you. As you were wondering where everyone else might be, and whether you were dreaming Martin and Chris's voices, you saw your brothers and Aviva walk through the door with Zachbots following them.

"(____)!" All three of them yell simultaneously. Chris ran ahead of them into the cage, with Martin following closely behind.

"How do you feel?" Aviva asked casually as she walked in. You glared at her.

"Like I was knocked out with enough electricity to kill an adult." You said venomously, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "You do know I should be dead right now?"

"I know. You do know you've been out for a week?" Aviva shot back. You were taken aback by that. Your nightmares about falling had lasted a whole week?

"Well, that explains a few things." You replied, wincing at another jolt of pain through your body. "But you still have a lot of explaining to do, starting with telling me where we are and why you all look exhausted."


(Koki POV)

"Here we are!" J.Z. said happily as he landed the ship. Koki just gave a quick hum in response. The entire way to Indonesia, she had been planning out a rescue mission and keeping track of Aviva's log. All while making sure she knew where Zach was the entire time.

"Do you have any ideas to save the rest of the crew?" Koki asked Jimmy. He shook his head.

"No. But I do have the idea that you should get some rest. You've been working nonstop for days." He replied worriedly. Koki just sighed. Maybe he was right, and that she should sleep a little before the mission. She went to her hammock and laid down on it. She fell asleep quickly.


(Jimmy's POV)

Jimmy Z. watched as Koki went for some rest. Then he started pacing around. He wanted to help his team, but the only skills he really had were playing video games, flying the ship, eating pizza, and teleporting stuff...


"That's it!" Jimmy whisper-yelled. He searched around until he found Aviva's power suit and the power discs she had been working on. He grabbed four of them and sent all of the stuff in the package to Aviva's last known location. It took Koki nearly ten hours to find a specific location on Zach's ship.

J.Z. sent the package and hoped that the team would get it.

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