Flight of The Draco Part 5

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"Time to find our bro!" Chris said to you. You nodded.

"Let's glide!" You said. You both watched carefully as the draco lizard got into takeoff position. The draco started gliding, and Chris jumped after it right away.

"This is awesome!" He shouted. You smiled in amusement. Chris started testing the steering on his creature power suit.

"Muscles pull on the wings, giving them steering control. So I can head right to the landing pad." He focused on a tree  far ahead of him. You saw him start to panic over something.

"Wait, how do I land?" He asked no one in particular. You realized he was about to hit the tree instead of land on it. You watched how a different lizard landed next to you, then you took off after Chris.

"I don't have any instinct! What's the secret? What's the technique? How do I land?!?!" Chris screamed as he neared the tree. He started flailing around, and you cringed as he face planted into the tree. You came up to the tree and gently landed on a branch right next to Chris.

"Not like that." You said to him. He pulled his face off the tree and turned to glare at you.

"Of course this is easy for you! You were born to fly!" He said. You held a hand over your mouth to keep from laughing.

"How did you do it?" He asked you. You smiled at him.

"It's more of a quick swoop up and land." You said, gesturing to the draco baby, who took off and landed on another tree.

"Oh, I got it." Chris said. You helped him up to the branch you were standing on.

"Now we just need to find out what happened to Martin." He finished. You didn't even try to put in that he was taken. There was no point since no one believed you.

It was close to sunset, and you and Chris were still looking. Suddenly, a voice came in from Chris's creaturepod. You both looked, and it was Aviva.

"Chris! Donita Donata's got Martin! Can you get a visual from up there?" She said. You pressed a button on Chris's creaturepod and her face showed up on the projector.

"I'm here too, you know." You said with annoyance. Aviva looked at you like she was just noticing you.

"Oh, sorry (____)." She said without really meaning it. It was surprisingly often the team forgot you were there. You walked over to the tree trunk and climbed higher.

"I think I see something!" You said. In the distance, there was some kind of event going on. At one end of the cleared area, you saw a huge ship that was the same bright pink as the vacuum that took Martin. Chris hopped up next to you.

"Yep! That's Donita's ship." He said. You stared at Chris in confusion.

"Um... Who are you talking about again?" You said, completely lost at this point. Chris stared at you, then slapped a hand to his forehead.

"Oh, right! You don't know about all the villains yet!" He said, suddenly realizing why you were so confused.

"Villains?" You asked. Chris pointed at the huge pink ship.

"Yeah. The villains are the people who do what they want and don't care how it hurts the environment." He explained. You nodded.

"So, in other words, you think of people who make things like fur coats and gator skin purses as evil?" You asked, well knowing that that wasn't what he meant.

"What? No! There are only three of these people, and they are horrible." Chris said. He pointed at Donita's ship again.

"Donita is one of them. She takes living animals and puts them in suspended animation, meaning she freezes live creatures in place. Then she uses them as accessories!" He said. You crossed your arms and stared at the event that was going on.

"Uh-huh. And the same goes for Kratt brothers, apparently." You replied. Chris nodded without cracking a smile.

"We need to get Martin!" He said. You rolled your eyes at him.

"Thank you for the input, Captain Obvious." You said. Chris rolled his eyes back at you.

"Now let's go!" You said, taking off. Chris jumped after you. You both glided along, and you tried not to look down.

"We're not gonna make it!" You realized. Chris caught up to you and pointed ahead.

"Zachbots! Perfect!" He said. You looked where he was pointing and saw two weird looking robots straight ahead. You didn't question it, but instead followed Chris's lead as he hopped from one robot to another, using each one as a launchpad and destroying it at the same time.

After you got through the bots, you had plenty of height left to glide the rest of the way. As the event came into view, you saw it was some kind of fashion show. When you saw Martin, you started laughing and almost lost your balance.

"Woah! What's so funny?" Chris asked as he steadied you. You pointed at Martin, who was on the runway wearing a ridiculous outfit. Chris smiled with amusement but didn't say anything else.

You and Chris glided into the show. Chris headed straight for a big blonde guy holding a controller of some sort. You glided up smoothly and landed next to Martin.

"Hey, Martin." You said, trying really hard not to burst out laughing. Martin didn't move a muscle but moved his eyes to look at you. He mumbled a greeting as you jumped up to try and disable the machine holding him in place. You pulled out a wire, and the machine dropped to the ground. Martin stretched like he just woke up from a nap.

"(____)! Boy, am I glad to see you guys!" He said. You stood up and smiled.

"Hey, is that a new outfit? I didn't know you like reptile print!" You said teasingly. Martin looked at his costume, then glared at you. You giggled and went over to help Chris, who was struggling to take the controller from the big guy.

You walked up to them and plucked the controller out of the guy's hand. Then you pressed a button and all the dracos in the area started moving. They started taking off and gliding everywhere, and people were running around and screaming.

You walked up to Martin and pressed the button again. Zippy, who was perched on Martin's headband, took off too.

"Do you even have any idea what's going on?" Martin asked you. You shook your head.

"Not really, but I am having fun with it!" You said. Martin rolled his eyes. One person was screaming louder than the others, and Martin pointed at a woman dressed in a pink shirt, purple pants, and high heels.

"That's Donita Donata. She's the person we're trying to stop." He said. You nodded at stared at Donita as she screamed.

"Come on, Dabio! Let's get out of here." Donita said, and she and the blonde guy from before ran into the jet.  The big ship took off and flew far away. At the same time, the Tortuga landed next to the runway. The front door opened and the crew stepped out.

"Hey, Martin. Nice duds." Aviva said. Martin huffed and you stepped in front of him.

"Sorry, Aviva. I already made that joke." You said. Aviva crossed her arms and glared at you. You just laughed. Chris walked up to stand next to you and Martin.

"Well, mission success." He said. All of you got into the Tortuga and took off.

"Hey, I have an idea..." You told Martin and Chris.

A few minutes later, all three of you were in your draco power suits, holding onto ropes attached to the back of the Tortuga. You were gliding along behind it and the ropes were dragging you along.

"This was a great idea!" Martin said. You nodded.

"This is really fun!" You shouted. You heard Aviva laughing from the top of the Tortuga.

"You can go ahead and to the exciting stuff, but Koki and I are just fine with relaxing and enjoying a glass of lemonade." She replied.  You smiled mischievously and bumped against Chris, who rolled in the air before steadying again.

You laughed and started playing with Martin, trying to see who could do fancier tricks.

Being a Wild Kratt is a lot of fun.

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