The cost.

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A/n: Please before reading this chapter read the disclaimers I put in the first one (Disclaimers & Introduction).

This chapter contains blood, violence, murder and death.


And after that Yuta left.

Abandoning the mission that was now completed.

He knew that no consequences would follow.

Because...he finally...

knew the truth.



Kim Doyoung:
I visited Jaehyun's family.

Moon Taeil:

Kim Doyoung:
His wife made clear that she didn't want to answer any of my questions.

Moon Taeil:
Shit. What are we going to do now?

Kim Doyoung:
I don't really know...but I'm going to figure out something.

Doyoung left the group chat, and put his phone back into one of the gabardine's pockets. The man was currently sitting on a seat inside the bus he earlier hopped on, rubbing discretely both of his palms together, hoping that some kind of heat would be produced by this friction. The weather was getting colder every day, especially the times where the sun decided to disappear from the light blue sky.

When Doyoung left his house late at noon, he thought that this day would be warmer compered to the last one. But that was only a bad and unfortunate guess of his, as it was autumn, and it only was expected, that the weather would get colder and colder with every day passing.

Currently it was around 7.30 p.m., and the sun had almost completely disappeared, giving slowly an opportunity to the moon and the stars to light up the sky. But unfortunately, the dismal and dense clouds that were hovering around the atmosphere would prevent them from offering any ray of light in the blackened darkness later on.

After some stops, Doyoung got out of the bus, and started heading back to his house.

He didn't know that this was likely to happen, but every day more and more questions were created on his head, unanswered questions.

Questions that he tried to answer, but this task was nearly impossible.

He was now finally standing outside of his house. Doyoung rang the bell and waited for Yuta to answer the door.


He waited for a couple of seconds. But no one opened the door.

He rang again.


"Huh?" Doyoung hummed. "Did he go out without telling me?" The man wondered and decided to open the door himself.

After opening the door, he was met with complete darkness, as all of the lights in his house were turned off.

"Yuta?" Doyoung called out for him as he turned on the switch and took off his gabardine. "Are you here?" He asked one more time, finally closing the door behind him, stepping further into the house.

"What's up with him...did he go out with this weather?"

He searched around for a little more and then entered the kitchen, in where he found a small paper placed on the table.

"What is this?" Doyoung wondered and started reading what was written on the small note.

'Hey Doyoung! I just wanted to tell you that I went out because something urgent came up. Don't worry it's nothing serious and I will be back as soon as I can!

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