The 4th Mission

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"Hello Yuta, I'm Simon and this is your 1st mission and the 3rd one in total."


"Yeah, two other of your teammates already completed theirs. But these missions won't be their last ones as well... anyways back to you. Yuta your first mission is to meet your parents."

When he heard the last sentence Yuta's heart cracked, as if it got shattered to millions of pieces. His body stopped working, why? Why out of all the missions he could do he had to do this one?

"You are not answering but I hope you remember the consequences that will follow if you don't complete this mission."

He did. He remembered the consequences, but he was thinking whether it was better to face them.

"You have until Sunday to complete your mission. I think you remember where your house is. Good luck Yuta."

"Is this the right house?" Doyoung asked, but the man that was sitting on the passenger's seat didn't answer. "Yuta?"

"Yeah what?!"

The man asked startled and turned to face Doyoung.

"Are you ok?"

Yuta smiled. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't have been very quiet since we left the house and you have been acting strange the last couple of days...are you sure we are here by your own will?"

Yuta bit his lower lip. Should he tell Doyoung the truth? Could he trust him? But with only one answer, hundred other questions were formed. He didn't want to answer these questions so he kept quiet. "Yes."

"Ok then, when should I pick you up again?"

Don't let me go, find an excuse please. "Hm...I will call you! Don't worry." Yuta smiled.

"Ok then." Yuta opened the door. "Have fun with your family."

Doyoung please...find an excuse. Anything. "Thank you!" Yuta replied cheerfully and the moment he closed the door, the car left.

He turned around to face the house. Nothing had changed...even after all these years...The small, withering garden was still here. The wooden, almost freckled house still remained untouched and the strong scent of moisture hit his nostrils. Even when he lived there, he hated that smell, it reminded him of the small crimes he had to commit in order to get rid of it. But every tiny memory that he created there came rushing to his mind, not only the bad ones, but the good ones as well...things weren't always like that, or at least that's how he wanted to remember them.

The place hadn't changed but he hoped everything else did.

"Here I go..."



                                Lee Donghyuck:
            Markus, Mark, Mark Lee!!!

Lee Mark:
What is it Haechan?

                                Lee Donghyuck:
                       Yayyy you replied!🎉

Lee Mark:
Don't make me regret my decision.

                               Lee Donghyuck:
                               So mean....😔😔

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