Some people have it all...

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"Good morning!"

Jungwoo smiled as he continued loading the shop's car with flowers, but soon his smile disappeared.

"Hey Minseo, what are you doing here? You should stay at home and rest. I gave you the day off."

"I know but I still felt bad about yesterday..."

She stated quietly.

Jungwoo sighed. He was worried about her, but at the same time, he knew that he couldn't change her mind so easily. "Fine..." He said worryingly. "But don't pressure yourself, and don't work too much. I'm going to deliver the flowers and come back immediately."

Minseo smiled and nodded as Jungwoo got into the car.

He sat on the driver's seat and put on the GPS the place he had to deliver the flowers at.

"Hmm...'Seo Corporation'...this surname sounds oddly familiar." His face lit up when he remembered that he knew the person with this surname. "'s Johnny! Such a pleasant coincidence." He thought and started the car.


"Is everything alright Yuta?"

"Hmmm...yes, yes of course."

The man laughed but his smile didn't manage to convince Doyoung.

"Right...I highly doubt that."

"Come on Doyoung chill...don't be so suspicious about everything."

"You should be the one to chill...your body is literally shaking."

"'re so funny Doyoung."

"Yuta." Doyoung said strictly. "Did Simon call you?"

Yuta took a glimpse at the floor before looking Doyoung again. "No, he didn't."

"I see..."

Doyoung decided to let it slide, as Yuta wasn't willing to give him an answer.



"I need to ask for a favor."

"What is it?"

"I want to meet my parents. family."

"That's sudden, did something happen?"

"It's just..." Yuta gulped harshly. "I missed them."

Doyoung was skeptical at first, but it was Yuta's family after all. It was only right for him to see them. "Ok then."


"I mean yeah... it's your family after all."

Yuta smiled. But his smile was forced. Thankfully, Doyoung didn't seem to notice that. Deep down he hoped that Doyoung wouldn't agree, that he would think of a great excuse as to why he shouldn't meet his family but now it was too late.

"Thank you Doyoung."

Doyoung smiled back at Yuta and went to his room.

When he left Yuta's expression immediately changed. His smile dropped and his heart started beating faster.

Now he only needed to meet his family. Sounds easy but for him it wasn't. Not after what he did, or he didn't.

Why was this his first mission?

Why did Simon want him to meet his parents?



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