The 10th Mission

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Today was the day of Jungwoo's funeral. Everyone tried to be present because it was important, Jungwoo was important. Even if they didn't know him much, even if they were playing this game, the game in which everyone should suspect each other, they wanted to be there. For Jungwoo, a man who showed nothing but kindness to them. He wasn't a perfect human, but nobody is perfect, and never will be. But that's what makes us, us. That's what makes us human.

In front of them was placed Jungwoo's coffin. A wave of sadness and guilt was flying around the place. They felt sad because they lost one of them and guilty, because they could have saved him. Or at least some of them thought so.

Only one person couldn't make it to the funeral. Johnny. But how was he going to show up, at the funeral of the person he killed? He didn't have that audacity. He wasn't so insensitive, he wasn't so depraved. Or at least he wanted to try not to be, even once in his life.

Sobs and mourns were to be heard. Maybe Jungwoo didn't have any close family left but he actually had people around him, who really did care.

If he could just see that...

Maybe he could. Maybe a part of him would always stay with them, in their memories, reminding them that he was here. A living person, only in their thoughts. A lively spirit, only in their hearts.

When the right time came, they went outside of the church to burry him. It was hard for everyone, but even harder for some of them. Taeil looked at Minseo, one part of him was worried about her. Since the funeral started, and even before that, she couldn't bring herself to stop crying. Her eyes were puffy and red and by now, and soon her tears would stop flowing, because she didn't have much left.

Everybody had suspicions on who had committed this crime, but decided to keep it to themselves. After the funeral ended, all of the men that played this game, instead of taking their own way, stayed together. They wanted to talk, and each one of them separately knew that.

They started to head outside of the church before one of them decided to speak.

"You can go ahead." Taeil said. "I will call you."

"Where are you going?" Doyoung asked.

"There's something I have to do." He answered weakly. "I will see you later."

Even if they had tried to pursue him to follow them he wouldn't have listened. He was too stubborn for that and it was up to him to decide. So they let him be. Leaving without him.

For a couple of minutes none of them spoke. No words left their mouths and they just walked silently.

"Man..." Yuta sighed, breaking the silence. "I still...can't believe that this happened it feels...unreal..." He continued. "Someone would say that I don't have the right to feel this way, because some of us barely knew anything about Jungwoo but... I can't help but feel like I lost a person that was important to me."

"I think everyone feels the same way Yuta." Taeyong said.

"Well...not everyone actually." Jaehyun announced, taking everyone by surprise.

All of them turned their heads shocked, looking at him.

"I meant that one of us is probably the killer, so I doubt that he would feel the same way."

" of us?!" Haechan asked scared.

"I mean yeah... I don't think that just a random person killed Jungwoo. It had to be someone playing the game."

"We can't just accuse anyone without solid proof." Doyoung pointed out.

"Why not?" Jaehyun asked, getting slightly angry. "We can't do anything anyways."

Simon's Game |nct 127|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora