The 3rd Mission

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Imagine that you're standing on a thin glass, so thin that even the slightest movement can break it. Behind this transparent, fragile material you can see water, only clean water, and nothing more than that. The world around you is white and if you move you will break the glass, and fall in the water. You hesitate, but decide to step forward. When your foot lands again, you hear a faint break and now a distinct crack is visible on the glass. If you stand on the glass forever, you won't die, but nothing will happen. Are you willing to stay there for the rest of your life?

This place looks awful and miserable, and this pale light color gets uglier day by day.

On the other hand, if you break the glass you will fall in the water. The chances of surviving are very little, but there is a small possibility. Can you swim?

Even if you can, all you can see is white, is really anything else besides this white color?

For how long have you been standing there?

Days? Weeks? Years?....Maybe your whole life?

You decide to take one more step. And you fall in the water.

You try to swim, but you feel your body slowly sinking into the deep blue water.

There's nothing you can do, as your eyelids slowly close, and you fall asleep.

The water now is dirty, and not clean like before.

But it wasn't your fault that you fell right?

You couldn't stand above the glass for the rest of your life could you?

Was falling in the water, actually your only choice?

Although right now...that you think better about it...

This white color was actually very beautiful.


Haechan left earlier than usual from his house. It was around 7.00 a.m. when he started heading towards the bus stop. It wasn't unusual for him to get up early, as he had trouble sleeping. In fact his sleeping schedule was between a small nap and no sleep at all. Was he tired? Yes, but he just couldn't fall asleep. Did he care? Well, the right question was. Did someone care? This was easier to reply. And the obvious answer was no.

While listening to music he got in the bus and waited to get off at the right stop. When it was the time, he left the bus and took a look at the building in front of him. It wasn't his school, it was the Grand Hotel. He decided to pay a morning visit to Mark, someone who he considered his friend. He hoped Mark felt the same way about him but even if he didn't, it was fine.

Haechan walked into the luxurious hotel with a smile on his face. He saw Mark at the reception like yesterday and waved. He noticed that Mark's eyes widened. At this point Haechan wasn't sure why he was so worried about his father, yesterday he didn't even show up.

"Good morning bestie!"

Haechan said and winked.

Mark took a deep breathe. "Good morning Haechan as I told you yesterday you shouldn't be here."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm working and as I told you yesterday my fath-"

"I can make up an excuse. Stop being so worried, you're stressing me out."


Mark apologized.

"Why do you apologize. I'm the one who's bothering you."

Haechan smiled and Mark did too.

"It's ok you're not bothering me...that much."

Haechan laughed.

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