Slam dunks and drinks

Start from the beginning

"Hey, James, you should do the karaoke thing. You were pretty good the last time you did it." Shiro said, smirking. James groaned. "Noooo! Not again!" "Again?" Keith asked, raising an eyebrow. "What happened the first time?" Shiro smiled. "He did a wonderful version of Castle on the Hill."  "Wait, really?" Keith said in disbelief, and James put his face in his hands "In my defense, I was drunk. I don't even remember."  "But I do. It was amazing. You should do it again?" Shiro said teasingly. "No. Never again." James said, lifting his head to glare at Shiro.

At that time, Adam walked up beer in hand. "Do what again?" He asked, setting them down. "We were just saying that James should sing, that way Keith gets a chance to hear him." Shiro said. Adam smiled "That's a great idea!" James took a swing of his beer. "No, its not. Last time I was so wasted, you guys had to tell me that I did it. I didn't even remember." He said. Adam rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. "Is it our fault you got drunk? You wouldn't stop drinking, kept talking about how someone was a stupid son of a bitch and some pretty boy." Shiro nodded. "Yeah, yeah. You said some idiot cheated on a pretty boy and fucked Kinkade. You wouldn't shut up. Then about six drinks in, you decided you were gonna sing." Keith almost choked on his drink. "He what?" "He kept talking about some guy cheating on a, quote "pretty boy" or "Fucking cutie". Then he sang. And even when he was completely wasted, it was amazing. He got a standing ovation." Adam said. "Half the people in the building were drunk. It doesn't count." James protested.

Keith poked him "I'm the pretty boy, aren't I? You think I'm pretty. And cute." He said, grinning. James looked everywhere but him and took a sip of his drink. "Come on, admit it." James just continued ignoring him. "Wait, what?" Shiro asked. "I'm confused." Adam rolled his eyes. "Shiro, please. Lance cheated on Keith with Kinkade, who's James's friend. Keith is the pretty boy, and Lance is the idiot. Duh!" Shiro's eyes hardened. "Lance did what?" He said, slamming his drink on the table. Keith and James's eye widened. "You didn't tell him?" James whisper screamed, and Keith shrugged. "I thought Adam would! Or you! Or literally anyone but me." He hissed. 

"James, what happened?" Shiro said. He phrased it like a question, but said it like a command. James sighed and told him about the previous events. At the end, he expected him to throw his beer, but instead he just laughed. "Hahaha! Wait, so that whole time, you were talking about KEITH? AHAHAHA! Adam, he was talking about Keith!" Shiro said excitedly. Adam smiled "Yes Shiro, I know that." James's face was bright red, and Keith was smiling. He leaned his head  on James's shoulder and smiled at him. "So you talked about me a lot, huh?" "Shut up." James muttered, face still red. "Wait, so is this a date?" Shiro asked, and James rolled his eyes. "Yes Shiro, for a date I took a pretty boy out with his brother and his boyfriend at a bar after a basketball game." He deadpanned, obviously unamused. Keith smiled and poked him. "You called me a pretty boy again." James sighed and whipped his head to look at him. 

"Well you are! And you weren't any better! You kept calling ME pretty boy and staring at my abs the whole time!" He said, and Keith blushed a bit. "I call them as I see them. And how could I not? You have almost as much muscle as Shiro. You expect me not to stare at you? You were the one parading around my house shirtless!" He said, defending himself. Shiro and Adam fell silent as the two boys argued, smiling the whole time. "10 bucks they fuck in a week." Shiro said. "20 they're dating in two." Adam replied, and Shiro nodded. "Deal. Hey, are you guys done?" he asked, and James and Keith silenced. "We've established that you guys think the other is attractive, so now can we move on?" Adam said.

"Attention Lion patreons! I'm Coran, the owner of this fine establishment! The karaoke is about to begin! The sign-up sheet is next to the stage! Pleas feel free to join! No one cares if you can sing or not! You just have to try!" He finished, stepping off the stage. Coran had a full head of orange orange hair, and a little mustache to match. He had bright eyes, and an air of energy about him. One he put the sign-up sheet down, people swarmed it, writing down their names. "Hey, James, you should do that, you were pretty good last time." Adam said. "Last time I was drunk! I still don't remember!" James protested. "Come on, just one more time?" Shiro pleaded. "No." James said firmly, drinking his beer. "Please?" Adam asked. "NO." James said again. This went on for a while, Shiro and Adam pleading with James to sing and his refusing over and over. Keith went and got everyone another drink, and when he got back, they were still bugging him.

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