He paused and looked at her.

“She had to see you before you two get married. Oh c’mon , can you even say ‘I do’ with someone you met for the first time?”


“Gotta go! Enjoy the rest of the evening!” She blew him a kiss and left.

Matt bowed down and stared at the papers in front of him even though there was nothing going through his mind. He couldn’t even think! He read them once again trying to concentrate even though his sisters last words were keeping him from doing so.


The pain that had been trapped in his heart suddenly came to life and he threw his fountain pen across the room and his head fell into the papers on his desk.

“What?!” he shouted when he heard someone exhale. He didn’t mean to raise his voice. He was aware of his secretary’s reaction but he didn’t bother to look at her. Never in his life had he let his personal problems get in the way of his job. But what was happening to him now?

Matt took a deep breath desperately trying to calm himself. “It’s nothing, Lorrie. I’m just tired. If anyone comes, tell them I’m frickin' busy and I’m working late tonight.”

There was no response.

And then he heard uncertain steps. It’s a wonder how he could hear stilettos. Wait. Stilletos?

He heard someone sigh before talking.

“I guess th-this isn’t the right time.”

His heart stopped. That voice.

It’s Veronica.

She stood at his doorway. “H-Hi.” she awkwardly greeted him.

It took him several seconds to find his voice and speak.

“I wasn’t expecting anyone.”

She smiled bitterly, “I… I was expecting that. I mean, I see you’re busy.”

He didn’t respond and kept his attention at his work. What he wanted was for her to leave- right away.

“But since I am here, can we talk for a few minutes?” she asked in a business-like tone.

He looked at her from head to toe and noticed her fingers nervously shaking.

“Make it quick,” he answered coldly as he rested his back on his black swivel chair and put his feet up on his desk as if he was bored.

She walked towards him, a few inches from his table. But she didn’t sit.

“Dad’s angry…” There was sadness in her voice. “You never showed up during the wedding preparations. And it’s already happening in two weeks.” She sniffed, and a single tear slid down her face.

He stayed quiet. Frustration was present in her tone.

Damn, he wasn't prepared for this. He’s not prepared for Veronica!

“Matt..” Veronica swallowed, unable to swim in this sea of emotions.

“I know how busy you are but you need to take part. This wedding is not my father’s will alone but your father’s too. It’s because of their deal that we’re here right now. And whether you like it or not, we’re in this together.”

He smirked at her. How can she possibly talk to him like that?

“So you are just here for that?” he couldn’t help but sound sarcastic.

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