"Start the car..Now" Derek says out of breath.

"I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look, okay. In fact if I wanted to I could drag your little werewolf ass out into the middle of the road and leave you for dead" Stiles yells. 

"Start the car or i'm going to rip her throat out and then yours" Derek threatens. Stiles then starts the car. We drove in silence for a while, I just finished my homework.

"Can you do my homework" Stiles begs.

"Hell no, my brain hurts enough" I say laying down across the back seat. Derek was getting worse by the hour. And we had been in this car for a while. It's dark now.

"I'm calling Scott" Stiles says grabbing his phone and pulling over. 

"What am I supposed to do with him" Stiles says over the phone. I couldn't hear what Scott was saying.

"And by the way he is starting to smell" Stiles says. Yeah that's true for the past hour I was nauseous because of Derek's death smell.

"Like death" Stiles says.

"What about your boss?" Stiles asks. I wish I knew what Scott was saying.

"Your not going to believe where he's telling me to take you" Stiles sighs handing Derek the phone. I look at Stiles worried. He looked stressed and a little mad Scott had him deal with this while he was on a date. Derek hands me the phone. I see Scott's still on the line.

"Hey Scotty" I say.

"Your great at hiding things, where would you hide a bullet" Scott asks.

"Somewhere private only I go in there, so check rooms, I don't know Scott" I say.

"Plus I just wanted to hear your voice, sometimes the others can make me feel stressed" Scott says.

"Everything will be fine Scott, calm down. Just please hurry, we don't want to have to bury Derek" I say.

"Bye" Scott says.

"Bye" I hang up. I hand Stiles his phone and he starts driving again.

"Where are we taking him" I ask.

"The animal clinic" Stiles says. I start to laugh.

"Animal clinic! I get it cause your part dog" I say laughing. Derek looks back at me and glares. I quickly shut up.

"Sorry" I say. We soon pull up to the clinic. We enter through the back. Derek was looking so bad. He was sweating everywhere and was pale. We then went into the actual clinic and into the back where the table is to check the animals. Derek removes his shirt, Stiles covers my eyes. I push his hand off my face and look at him confused. 

"You know that doesn't look like something some echinacea and a good night sleep could take care of" Stiles says freaking out a little. Derek's arm was bloody and his veins were black. It was disgusting.

"When my infection reaches my heart it will kill me" Derek says. I don't really like Derek but seeing him die would hurt, I hate to see other people in pain. 

"Positive just isn't in your vocabulary is it" Stiles says. 

"If Scott doesn't get here with the bullet on time, we have to take a last resort" Derek says shuffling threw drawers. 

"Which is?" I ask.

"You guys are going to cut my arm off" Derek says. 

"Nope" I say putting a hand over my mouth. Stiles and I were shocked, disgusted, and freaked out. 

"You want us to cut off your arm?" Stiles says. I shake my head and walk to the bathroom. I spalsh some cold water on my face. Your fine y/n, you saw a dead body, cutting off an arm is better right? I come back to see Derek tieing a rope to his arm. 

"Oh my god" Stiles says putting down the saw.

"What if you bleed to death" I say having chills go down my back.

"It will heal if it works" Derek says. I start pacing. I can't see someone's arm being cut off. 

"Look i don't know if I can do this" Stiles says.

"Then she will" Derek says sliding me the saw. I turn away not being able to look at the saw.  

"You guys are weak" Derek growls.

"I'm sorry I don't want to pass out seeing a chopped off arm" I say. Stiles agrees with me. 

"Okay so, either one of you chops off my arm or i'm going to cut off both of your heads" Derek threatens.

"Okay, you know i'm so not buying your threats anymore" Stiles says. Derek pulls Stiles by the shirt close to him. 

"Okay fine, done, i'm totally sold" Stiles says freaking out a little. Derek then starts to gag I see him puke out blood. I then feel light headed. blood. I wasn't very good with blood, well with large amounts of blood. 

"Oh god" Stiles says grossed out. I back away from them cause I don't want to see Derek's blood vomit. 

"Now, you gotta do it now" Derek says. Stiles walks over to Derek with the saw about to cut. 

"Oh god! Okay here we go" Stiles says. I turn away hugging myself not wanting to see it happen. 

"Guys" I hear Scott yell.

"Scott" Stiles says. I run up to Scott hugging him.

"What the hell were you guys going to do" Scott says. Looking down at me and patting my back.  

"Oh you just prevented a lifetime of nightmares" Stiles smiles. I let go of Scott. 

"Did you get it" Derek asks. I walk over to Stiles. Derek stares at the bullet before passing out. 

"Derek! Don't die on us now" I say shaking him. Scott was trying to get the bullet that fell. 

"Scott what the hell are we going to do" Stiles says. I grab Derek's face and slap him a little. 

"I don't know" Scott yells.

"He's not waking up" I say. 

"I think he's dying! I think he's dead" Stiles says.

"Calm down" I say freaking out myself. 

"I got it" Scott yells. 

"Move" Stiles says. I get up as Stiles goes in front of Derek.

"Please don't kill me for this" Stiles says before punching Derek. Derek wakes up. Stiles was shaking his hand cause it hurt. We help Derek up, as he was doing whatever with the bullet I grabbed Stiles' hand.

"Stop shaking it, it's not going to help" I say smiling at him. Then we hear Derek scream. He falls to the ground screaming then he growls. But the bullet heals.

"That was awesome" Stiles says. I look at him weird. Derek and Scott start fighting a little. Werewolf things. I don't understand. Scott and Derek leave.

"Ready go home" Stiles says. I nod.

"My parents are coming back tomorrow morning" I say walking to the car.

"That's great!" Stiles says.

"I don't know for how long though so keep your bed warm for me" I say sitting in the passenger seat. We drive off listening to music until Stiles asks me something.

"Do you like Scott?" He asks. 

"No, no way" I say.

"If you did, I would stop cause he really likes Allison" Stiles says.

"yeah I know, I used to like him in like 6th grade but no way do I like his dumbass now" I say. Stiles smiles.

"Are you sure cause you guys seem really close" Stiles says.

"Don't worry I don't like Scott" I say. I like you Stiles. But you like Lydia. 

I wish I was her(Stiles x reader)Where stories live. Discover now